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by CM reporter MR JOHN P WELLS, the immediate past national chairman of the Road Haulage Association, who retired from road...
From our EEC correspondent BEHIND THE SCENES pressure from the French and German governments is understood to have played an...
BRITAIN's transport cafes are slammed this week, in a report which describes their toilets and washing facilities for drivers,...
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THE DoE has announced that it is making it easier for British hauliers to obtain permits for journeys between Britain and...
AT A MEETING this week the GRSA (Group of Rapporteurs on Safety Provisions on Motor Coaches and Buses) was expected to finalize...
A TEAM of first-year fitters from Soundwell Technical College, Bristol won the second National Vehicle Trades Apprentice...
PICKFORDS Removals Ltd has moved to a new head office building at 400 Great Cambridge Road, Enfield, Middlesex. The new...
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A battery-powered VW pick-up developed by a consortium of German companies was demonstrated in Manchester to representatives of...
THE dock labour scheme is outmoded and its extention to other ports is tinjustified, the Freight Transport Association has told...
Such is the speed of change in the public transport world that ( tf" , , annual Passenger Transport Number usually carries...
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IT IS "out of the question" that the Government should approve or finance the Channel Tunnel rail link to London, which will...
A HAULIER in Embsey, Skipton, W. & G. Taylor, had operated perfectly satisfactorily for two years. Then, after receiving a...
THE present aim is to weigh 10 to 15 per cent of incoming foreign lorries, said Mr Neil Carmichael, Under-Secretary DoE, in the...
A PRIVATE MEMBER'S Bill dealing with the forgery, carriage and production of licences, permits, authorizations and other...
THE QUESTION of whether to make the use of dipped headlights compulsory is being reviewed in the light of current conditions,...
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Parliament told: No logical basis for allocations; ind Enoch talks of bureaucratic carve-up from our Parliamentary...
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RHA chiefs spell out why rates must rise immediately but differ with estimates from 17 1 /2 to 25pc on the increases necessary...
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A REGISTER of road haulage services available in the Highland and Islands of Scotland is to be published next month by the...
goes over Handling equipment evaluated A NEW Scottish region is being formed by the National Association of Waste Disposal...
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BETTER ROADS play their part in keeping down road haulage costs. This was the message of a speech last Friday by Mr Ken...
A NEW distribution service using special containers measuring 2.44m x 1.98m (8ft x 6ft 7in) has been introduced between London...
FREIGHT tonnage carried by road maintained a steady increase in 1973 according to the British Road Federation annual booklet,...
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IONDAY Dec 9. CIT Henry purrier Memorial Lecture Public transport arid Local iovernment re-organization" by . H. Smith (general...
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attacked MAJOR SNAGS lie ahead of London Transport's much publicized Speedbus system of continuous bus priority measures,...
CONCESSIONARY fares schemes for elderly and handicapped people being introduced by the Government were described last week as...
DISCUSSIONS are being held by Mr Neil Carmichael, Under-Secretary DoE, with both sides of the bus industry and with the local...
AN AGREEMENT has been reached by the Greater Glasgow PTE and British Rail for the PTE to finance many of the suburban rail...
increases approved A PROPOSAL by the ruling Labour Party of GLC for a 36 per cent increase in London Transport fares from...
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FOLLOWING a detailed study of the stop times of one-man-operated buses in Copenhagen, The Hague, Amsterdam and Rotterdam a...
THE annual Henry Spurrier memorial lecture to the Chartered Institute of Transport is to be given by Mr Leslie Smith. general...
NOTTINGHAM City Transport is experimenting with a seat covering material developed for use on British Railways. The worsted...
FORMIDABLE practical and design problems face public transport routes when they are combined with urban motorways. This view is...
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EXTENSION of the National Travel network for British and Continental tours into Wallace Arnold territory in the West Riding of...
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by Tim Hoare TWO battery-powered delivery vans have joined the 1,000-vehicle fleet of Initial Services Ltd, and if driver...
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I'm now more certain than ever (and I w as pretty sure before) that the Channel Tunnel will never be built; at least, not in my...
While the operating industry in Britain is sweating about how it is going to cope with the EEC eighthour driving day, spare a...
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by Gordon Green* OR a service company, what really natters is how quickly it is identified and vhat it is identified as. Who...
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BECAUSE of the potentially explosive effect of the GRSA proposals on British bus operation CM asked two of the country's...
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by Martin Hayes CONSIDERABLE changes in attitudes towards the subject of city bus transmissions have been taking place in the...
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I was very interested in Mr J. Anderson's letter (CM November 15) even though it was painfully clear he had not read the report...
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Ls now about nine months since the inty Council began to exercise the rers acquired under Section 203 of 1972 Local Government...
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DAF and Saviem release details of their jointly designed light-medium trucks THE FIRST two light trucks from the European...
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PUBLIC TRANSPORT in Britain has more than held its own during the past two years, despite mounting problems in many fields of...
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k took at how British coachbuilders transform their ideas on coach design into noducts which can make money for operators 'AKE...
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by Les Oldridge TEng (CEO, MIMI, AMIRTE SECTION 134 of the Road Traffic Act 1960 states that a "road service licence" is...
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by CM reporter ATTRACTING passengers to bus and coach travel means not only comfortable and good-looking vehicles but clean...
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high loads? I cannot seem to get any information on this . from the DoE. The problem of routeing high loads is a complex one....
drivers among which is one which draws their attention m the importance of seeing that loads are secure. These instructions are...
broken-doii.n vehicles with a vehicles "ambulance" but I am confused as to why a drawbar trailer with a dolly is not strictly...
I he able to use it for carrying other traffic when indivisible loads are not available? A Regulation 9 of the Motor Vehicles...
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5: Closed shop arrangements by John Darker AMBIM THE HISTORY of British labour relations is littered with disputes about...
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EACH Parliamentary day produces a crop of what are described in the official report as written answers. It is not only in the...