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Last week's issue of " Punch " not inappropriately contains the following reference to this subject : "The !uninitiated may...
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The February number of a magazine known as " The London " contains an article, by a Mr. W. J. McAtiece, to the major portion of...
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Some Notes upon Revolutionary Sections which are now in force. January ist of the present year was a red letter day in the...
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A Visit to the Peter Union Company's Works at Frankfurt-am-.Main. The uses to which that interesting C• . 4it able product,...
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The popularity of motorbuses may be gathered from the illustration which appears on page 485. The Southend-on-Sea and District...
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A meeting of the creditors. of The Motor Trading and Contract Corporation ; -Ltd., was called for 29th January at the Carey...
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This journal fosters, represents, and chronicles commercial motoring in all its branches ; it has the largest and best...
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Motor vans: are being tried for postal distribution in the . canton of Lorris (Loiret), and if the results are found...
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I hear that the Avon Tyre Company, of Melksharn, Wilts., is about to open a London depot. I hear excellent accounts of the...
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Coroner's Juries' Inspections. The Editor, " THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR." Sir :—I served recently on a coroner's jury in...
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Schi3necker Bros., in Bulhiy , purimse connecting the town (Mosel) and Ihe spa of Betrich by means motorbuses. Electric...
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The Effects on the Working Speed of the Coil, and the Temperature of the Spark, when the Primary Current is Increased in...
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MOTOR VEHICLE. — .Atkey. — No. 12,1142, dated 24th May, 1907.—A shaft (5), 'carried by suitable bearings (6), is arranged...