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F ROM his boyhood Wolfe,who was educated at private schools in Westerham and Greenwich, determined to be a soldier. He...
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T HE lack of unity in the representation of road transport interests is exemplified by the absence of concord in the various...
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A NOTE in " The Motor" of January 14 draws attention to an inquest on a man in his 80th year who had been knocked down while...
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That the chairman of the I.T.A. does not suffer from writer's cramp. That there is no need to get out of your depth when...
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"HARP CORE " RESPONSE SAID TO BE GRATIFYING Q UARTERS closely associated with the GOVenmerit road-haulage scheme have informed...
TN his capacity as chairman of the 'Road Transport Section of the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce, Mr. R. 13. Stockdale,...
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meeting of the Liverpool Cart and. Motor Owners' Association, at Liverpool, Mr. W. J, Harper, who presided, referred to the...
MR. H. J. SEED, Of MeSSTS: Leach and Seed, Maudslay commercial-vehicle distributors, of Salford, has been reappointed...
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THE London Area Office of the road/ haulage branch of the M. of W.T. is located at Kelvin House, Lower Belgrave Street, S.W.1...
O PPOSITION was expressed at the annual meeting of the Bradford and District Petrol Retailers' , Association, last week, to a...
('TARING instances of the lack of N–lladequate provision' to clear snow quickly from our roads so as to prevent delays to vital...
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C LASGOW grocers believe that the decision to discontinue the issue •of basic fuel rations for goods vehicles will mean little...
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. I WONDER if anyone has ever devised a logical method, on a cost plus profit basis, of assessing rates for part loads. If...
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Aid Tool-foom and Heat-treatment Shop S OME interesting new developments in metals and machines for industrial use should,...
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the shanks of carbide tipped tools. It is claimed that better support is given to the tip, lessening tip breakage as a result...
S 014IE of the " blessings " showered upon Europe by Hitler's new order are already " enjoyed° . in Switzerland, although that...
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are a regular ansport task I Tmust be nearly a ce founders of Currie an commenced operations transport contractors. ". the...
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Can Whole Truth be Told on Log Sheets? S OME drivers in the employ of my company were filling in their log sheets at a cafe a...
WHAT Mr. C. S. Dunbar states in your issue for vv January 16 regarding the scarcity of drivers with local knowledge is true, so...
R DEFERRING to the letter from "Sympathiser," in l‘your issue dated January 16, on the subject of the persecution of the...
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T HE temporary loss of our East Indian rubber supplies has raised the matter of tyre conservation • from the level of ordinary...
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Injection A COMBUSTION scheme for oil CA engines, claimed to possess the advantages of both direct injection and ante-chamber...