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looked back upon as the most critical through which mechanical road transport has passed during the whole of its existence, and...
T HE amendment of that part of the Road Traffic Act (1030) dealing with contractcarriage work, is long overdue and the earliest...
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A N interesting tyre-economy tip emanates from the U.S.A. Some users are employing thin, partly worn covers in the summer,...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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The Departmental Committee on Road Traffic Signs and Signals, appointed by Mr. P. J. Pybus, the Minister of Transport, in...
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Devon's Big Call for Tenders. Devon County Council invites tenders for the supply during the year ending March 31, 1934, of...
The transport committee of lloisrms Corporation has authorized the purchase of a van. The oublicsastsistance committee of...
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Full Details of the Latest Entrant into the Field of Small Vehicles for Local-delivery Duty W E present to our readers this...
cover has been designed for use on the steering joints of public-service vehicles. The cover closely resembles the usual Desmo...
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of Neat Design First Particulars of a Leyland 2,500gallon Road Vehicle, with Thompson Bros. Tank, Acquired by the...
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Some Notes on an Air-chamber Design for which Important Claims are Being Made. An Engine for Aircraft Under Test T HE story of...
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A Commer Municipal Vehicle for Service in India, Which Has a Variety of Uses T HE municipal vehicle that Cornriser Cars, Ltd.,...
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The Blame for Delays to Vehicles when Unloading at Factories is now Passing to the Hauliers Themselves rrIHIS season the...
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The new H.F. Robot crankshaft and valve grinder (Seest patent), which has several useful features. A NEW maintenance...
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The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [3952] Sir,—I am bound to reply to Mr. Plowman's letter in your issue of December 23, as he...
The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [3953] Sir,—I realize that "this correspondence must now cease," but would ask you to allow...
The. Editor, THE COMMEROLAL MOTOR. [3934] Sir,—We have read with considerable interest the article in your issue of December...
[3955] Sir,—I have read with considerable interest the article in your issue of December 16 dealing with gas as an alternative...
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The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. 139501 Sir,-1 am glad to be able to state that the nineteenth British Industries Fair, which...
The Editor, THE COMMEROLAL MOTOR. [3957] Sir,—Early last month I passed through the United States and had the good fortune to...
The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [3958] Sir,—We thank you for your recommendation of the Furniture Warehousemen and Removers...
[We appreciate your references to the work we are carrying out and your promise to give us your further support. We are rather...
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0 N November 11 The Commercial Motor gave brief details of experiments in the use of tar-oil feel which Mr. F. A. Fitzpayne,...
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TEHICLE TANKS for in loads T II— large road-moLor tanks that maybe seen daily carrying petrol, milk, etc., have become so...
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Provisions Regarding Tyres for Commercial Vehicles, Braking Systems and Speedometers, that Came into Force on January 1 T HE...
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A NEW PARCELCAR The BMW Three-wheeler, which has a Single-cylin dered 198 c.c. Four stroke-cycle Engine and a Tubular Chassis...
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MAXIMUM-LOAD OILER Tried Out on the Road A N early opportunity has been taken to subject to our standdard form of road test...
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Activity in Coal Industry. Better Shipbuilding Prospects. Metallurgical Trades Brighter. Widespread Building Activity. Large...
N ORFOLK County Council invites tenders for the supply on hire of upwards of 12 5-7-ton endtipping rubber-tyred wagons for a...
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Tenacity Results in Year's Trial of British Buses in Calgary TN winning a Canadian order in the 'face of great obstacles,...
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for Passenger Vehicles ? A LTHOUGH during the past few years there have been many changes in the design and appearance of...
to National Newspapers T OSE who are familiar with Fleet Street, the hub of Britain's newspaper life, will quickly appreciate...
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A THOTIGH the transport department of the average ancillary user is, in the main, concerned with the completion of work...
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Leakage Eliminated by Selfadjusting Gland Which Employs No Packing and Requires No Independent Lubrication A NY maintenance...
r‘F sturdy construction and straight forward design, a small, singlecylindered air-cooled engine running on the four-stroke...
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DBSERVATION COACH T HE orders that have recently been placed for observation coaches indicate that there is a revival of...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patent Specifications rnHE patent of The Alvis Car and Engineering Co., Ltd., and G. T....