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T HIS being the first issue of The Commercial Motor Some Factors Affecting the published in the New Future Security and...
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T HE railways are not having it all their own way in the matter of propaganda. In fact, in our view and in that of some members...
Good Wishes to the Journal from Every Quarter W E would like to offer our thanks to readers all over the world who have sent...
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" Come war, come peace, road transport must not cease." That only a confirmed optimist expects a new year to be a new era....
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CHASSIS EXPORTS HALVED IN NOVEMBER. B OARD of Trade returns for November show that the value of commercial vehicles, cars,...
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Farm Organization N QMINALLY concerned' with the business organization of the farm, the fourth annual farming conference was...
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Becomes a Vital Necessity For Present-day Haulage Requirements Suitable Insurance is Obtainable Without Difficulty at...
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The Influence of Tread Design, Road Surface and Braking Force on Tyre Grp in Relation to Safety p RACTICALLY every factor...
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The Efforts of the Fuel Research Board Should be Directed to Other Sources of Supply A LARGE part of 'the Report of the Fuel...
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LEARN FROM Ai\ RICAN HIGHWAY PLANNING This Year the U.S A. Will Spend £257,000,000 on Its State Highway System and the...
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DESIGN FOR MAINTAINING CONSTANT COMPRESSION PATIO. obtain maximum thermal effici ency at all loads, it is necessary to...
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( A VER a year ago a group of men connected with road NJ transport witnessed an incident that nearly became an accident to road...
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WILL THE RAILWAYS THEMSELVES GIVE A SQUARE DEAL? I AM watching with interest the great fight you are putting up for the road...
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A Plea for Operators' Co-operation in Obtaining a Square Deal for Traders who Can have a Most Benevolent Influence lkAOTOR...
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hich Affect RATES ESTABLISHMENT I R LIVESTOCK HAULAGE I T is necessary, for the sake of continuity, to repeat the concluding...
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T HE first memoranda dealing with the railway companies' demand for a "square deal " were presented to the Birmingham Chamber...
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M ORE than, half of all beef cattle, calves, hogs, sheep and lambs received at 17 major livestock markets in the United States,...
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T HE metal nickel has always been a popular one in connection with the construction and finish of motor vehicles. At first it...
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DEATH OF PROMINENT A.R.O. OFFICIAL. We regret to announce the death, at St. Austell, Cornwall, last Sunday, ot Mr. Humphrey...
tJ NFAIR methods of competition by the railways, and an undoubted weakness in the application of the Road and Rail Traffic Act,...
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From Appearance in FURNITURE VANS T HE requirements of the furniture manufacturer are similar to those of the remover, and...
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A WHOLE morning of the Traffic Commissioners, sitting at Manchester, last Friday, was taken up by a strongly opposed...
June of last year Nottingham Corporation approved a report as to the raising of additional capital for the purchase of 12...
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A THREE-HOURS' meetin g on 1-1, Wednesday of last week brought something of a change in the position regarding the abandonment...