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BRITISH attempts to obta additional multilateral rc.• haulage permits failed last we at a council meeting of tl European...
AROUND 900 National Carrie' drivers will lose their jobs at th end of this month, when Britis Rail's express parcels collectio...
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IE WORST of the recession may be over for some hauliers, ough the industry as a whole is far from optimistic about 'mediate...
5 CM'S Lorry Driver of the Year ials draw closer, further heat inners have emerged in three ore areas. In West Scotland, Class...
TRANSPORT SECRETARY Norman Fowler tops the bill at this year's slirnline Freight Transport Association conference in London on...
THE ROAD Haulage Associatiol is looking urgently at its va cancy for an industrial relation officer, following the death las...
THE HIGH COST of sterling denominated components and downturn in the British and Irish markets have taken their toll o...
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)PENING the ninth International Road Federation Congress in Itockholm on Monday, King Carl Gustaf of Sweden stressed the eed...
, COTTISH milk hauliers face the ossible complete elimination f their existing operations in reas where the Scottish Milk...
WE ARE PLEASED to announc that our management write' Brian Chalmers-Hunt, has bee promoted to become editor c an IPC...
THE FIRST general session of the International Road Federation Congress in Sweden this week was chaired by former Transport and...
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IHE LOW LEVEL of resources devoted to British road building is out 31 all proportion to the needs of the nation, British Road...
MITHS now have eight Govrnrnent-approved tachograph alihration centres in the Irish epublic. These are Smithfield Trucks d,...
THE GROCOTT Group has sold part of its general and international haulage business, enabling it to develop its expanding storage...
1981 Sta dard Trading Conditions to I referred to the Restrictir, Practices Court. The FTA has told the Office Fair Trading...
TIP TRAILER Rental is offerir tipping trailers for rental for tl first time. They are available fl shortor long-term hire on...
TRANSOVER Ferry Servicc which operates a roll-on/roll-e ferry service between Great Ya mouth and Harlingen in the N. therlands...
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IS a mystery how anyone can afford to operate tippers. East dland Licensing Authority Cecil Sheridan commented last week. -le...
LULAGE and warehousing rnpanies could qualify for the st Small Firm award to a rthern Ireland firm. rho Local Enterprise...
competent transport manager based in Birmingham would not be accepted as suitable for vehicles operated from North Shields, the...
MIDDLE EAST freightinE specialist Astran increased it business by more than 50 pei cent in the first quarter of 1981, and its...
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quarter gets his 0-licence A MAN who said he expects to earn E2,000 a week with a 32 ton articulated outfit was successful...
NATIONAL FREIGHT Company subsIdiary Pickfords International Air Charter Co Ltd has opened a terminal at Green Lane, Hounslow,...
TATE AND LYLE Transport has given its London-based drivers a 6.25 per cent wage increase, taking basic pay to £85 a week. This...
ir cold store at St Meloir d Ondes, near St Maio in Northe Brittany. Trading as Frigorifique du monay, the store has a capaci...
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for light I medium-weight vehicles ch can be swapped for other es of bodies. he Peterborough company's li-Skip is a further...
II BID to provide greater operational flexibility, C. Morgan & Sons has had two 12m (40ft) TIR tilt flat platform trailers...
DAVENPORTS Brewery Ltd, of Birmingham is refurbishing 11year-old semi-trailers fitted with Boalloy Tautliner bodies at a cost...
THIRTEEN Volvo F10 4x2 tractive units have joined the 130 strong fleet of A. A. Griggs & Co. Ltd of Soham, Cambridgeshire, as...
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REIGHT ROVER has launched a ew version of the Sherpa 200 m, known as the City. It has been designed to appeal 1 the operator...
in Ireland, has finalL reached the market afte months of speculation. It is being assembled b former Bedford agent IVIcCairn...
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THE BOUGHTON Group plans its most ambitious private Show and Exhibition ever this year, with the introduction of new products...
THE FIRST bodybuilder to offer sleeper cab for the new Leylanc Cruiser is believed to be Jen nings Coachworks Ltd of Crewe The...
Scotland A9: The northbound carriageway is closed between Dunblane and - eenloaning in Perthshire. All traffic must use the...
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[HE NEW Maxwell bus gearbox see p23) announced this week s a multi-layshaft design, with :he first production model havn g four...
is a gas A NEW cylinder head design specifically for lpg is now ay; able on option for all Ft Transits powered by the t1 litre...
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: GOVERNMENT has set the National Bus Company a current t operating surplus target of £18.5m by 1985. nnouncing this,...
E GREATER London Council ; a new transport committee lirman, following the recent Inge of leadership at County he new...
ICESTER City Transport is inning a special bus network the disabled, and hopes to ve three buses in service by rly next year....
THE METROPOLITAN Police wants coach drivers and party organisers taking coaches to the lawn tennis championships at Wimbledon...
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new servo has simple change VIAXWELL Bus Transmissions of their ultra-simple automatically-co flywheel rather than a torque...
HE SCOTTISH Transport Group ncreased its surplus last year to 5.2m. While the Scottish Bus Group ubsidiary companies together...
Tillingbourne Bus Compa Ltd of Cranleigh, Surrey, will r a service every Tuesday tween Cranleigh and Brighton. En route, the...
LOW-PRICED Londorr tour packages have been introduced by U hotel chain Thistle Hotels_ They are designed specifically for inclt...
BOVA, the Dutch-built integral coach announced in Britain by the Moseley Group prior to the British Coach Rally, has been...
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E COMPLETION last month of ouble-deck bus designed for British market adds an entie new dimension to Bomber(Ireland) Ltd's...
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RECENT article Esso gave : e of proven oil reserves at r ! nt rates of consumption as ars for the world. tish Gas says proven...
OUR edition of CM (May 9) er the heading Cheers All nd as Dery Tax Falls (p3) you )rted a speech in the House ommons by Dale...
MANY companies engaged in road haulage have yet to realise that it is both possible, and certainly cheaper, to operate diesel...
I REFER to your news item on British Coachways (CM May 16, p22). This article infers that the Confederation of British Road...
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THE TERMINAL illness of my old friend Chris Dixon, RHA industrial relations officer, was so short that the postal circular from...
VHAT IS claimed to be the 3rgest collection of historic ommercial vehicles in the lidlands, as well as cars and - totorcycles,...
"TROLLEYBUSES never quite won the sentimental attachment that Londoners felt for the old trams they replaced," said Dr David...
WITH AN operating surplus of only £2.6m on a turnover of £196m from running 48 Sealink NOW YOU know why we've redesigned...
IS Chris Emsden, who was 17 i April, the youngest holder of a transport manager's national Certificate of Professional...
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You want a 'cheaper' cab trim? It will cost you! Tipcon report by Steve Gray and Tim Blakemore THE Road Haulage Association's...
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onvention elieve that the RHA was enough to convince the Hthermore," he said, rators are frequently led of axle overload of;...
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Steve Gray was not 'sold' on this year's Tipcon exhibition — too many unsold chassis made it less of an operator's event than...
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AiRNS (PMPA) is assemg Mitsubishi commercial cles at its Santry, Dublin 1. Initially it will be building a day, but expects...
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Grundon looked at alternative methods of disposal and decided that high-density baling is the answer. David Wilcox reports...
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Noel Millier finds that the key dependability factor was lost at an otherwise good show with many sophisticated buses on view...
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Dms clearance had been wed) and Self-Changing- s with its GB300 and GB400 wide selection of sophised advanced ticketing and...
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With a little more power and a less noisy ride, Noel Millier believes that [V's preTiger animal with the manual option could...
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I HULME has become managdirector (coaching and retail) ireater Manchester Transport - 1 responsibility for Char)Ian, Godfrey...
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and July. Please forward details of any road transport events to Mike Rutherford at CM, Room 304, Quadrant House, The Quadrant,...
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NORBAR Torque Tools Ltd has added a two-speed automatic gearbox and special nose extension to its Pneutorque pneumatic torque...
0 NEW Stemco products ve recently come onto the rket. he first is the Monroe store Ejector, claimed to be nd leader in the USA...
A LIGHTWEIGHT batterypowered desk-top calculator, which offers both print and display facilities, is a new addition to the...
FOR AN engine to be running economically and at peak performance, correct timing of the ignition system is necessary. Unipart...
THE GRAZIA range of hydraulic workbenches has been designed for use in workshops. They are claimed to contribute to efficiency...
THE LATEST addition to Kremlin Spray Painting Equipment's range of spray guns is the Pipo 2. It is supplied with two different...
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THE Channel remains an obstacle for people who wish to keep abreast of events on the other side. On transport as on other...
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Redundancies, 2 by Douglas Ainley 1/IPLOYERS who recognise a 3de union for collective baraining purposes and are oposing to...