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T HE ANNOUNCEMENT that the Association of British Motor and Allied Manufacturers, working in conjunction with the Overseas....
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T HE TIME for strong and concerted action has arriVed, and it is gratifying to know that the Parliamentary Road Transport...
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Of new motor ventures in Ireland. Of . a championship claim of Wells that did not hold water. That we must not expect summer...
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The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all fileiculties of transport at whatever points cuising, as a carriage is by the...
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A Springing System that is as Good for the Roads as for the Vehicle. N 0 part of the commercial-motor vehicle appears to have...
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North country readers, and more particularly those in and around Yorkshire, will be interested in the post-war activities of...
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The Producers Decide to Become Their Own Distributing Agents. A Half-million Company Foreshadowed. T HE ORGANIZATION of the...
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Why the 10,000 Miles Warranty Has Been Abandoned. I N OUR LAST ISSUE we drew attention in our columns to. an announcement by a...
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Specialized Mass Production Means Service for the User. T HE PRESENT PERIOD of transition from war to peace is one of the most...
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Do the Products of the British Commercial Vehicle Industry Fill the Bill ? I N CONNECTION with the annOuncement that the...
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An American Track-laying Tractor Largely Used by the British Military Authorities. T RACTOR DESIGN' in Great Britain. and in....
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Adjustable Multi-jet. Rotary Throttle to Give Correct Mixture at all Speeds. T HE petrol engine is nothing if not flexible ;...
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The New Ministry of-Ways and Communications. Buses at York. . T HE LONG-EXPECTED new authority to control , the whole of the...
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How the Allies Kept in Touch With Italy Over Alpine Roads. On the top of the pass of Montgenevre, between France and Italy,...
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Road Work for the Tractor. The 1919 Omnitractor. Overcoming Overturning of Fords. Many a potential buyer of a farm tractor...
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Most large commercial-vehicle manufacturers have in use at their works a number of little electric vehicles which are employed...
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. A PRIZE OF TEN SHILLINGS is awarded each week all others are paid for at the rate of a penny a lane, with an published....
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Two Important Engine Designs. S. S. Guy's invention, No. 121,977, in connection with cylinder construction, has already had...