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D ESPITE some kind and often flattering comments which are made to us, both by letter and verbally. concerning this journal, we...
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A.A. Telephone Boxes A N additional service to road Being Conspicuously 1--1 users .which is being given Numbered . by the...
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That looking forward to the past. That even Spain has dispensed with liquid-fuel rationing. That the Michelin...
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POLAND WANTS 500 TRACTORS P OLAND requires at least 500 tractors of over 100 h.p. for the haulage of timber from forests for...
street lighting is now the Ministry of Transport, which has taken over from the Home Secretary the allocation of iron, steel...
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MR, C. H. HARRIS has been appointed works manager of Henley's Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd. He has served the company for 32...
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A T the 11th ordinary general meeting of Silentbloc, Ltd., the chairman, Mr. H. Vezcy Strong, said that there are undoubtedly...
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A leaflet describing new acid-resisting cement can be obtained from J. H. Sankey and Son, Ltd., Ilford, Essex. Nuffield...
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Ind RAISE PRODUCTION By A. E. Sherlock-Mesher T IME studies are said to have shown that handling accounts for 75 per cent,...
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I N these days, when events of major importance move swiftly across the screen of national affairs, developments no less...
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By Arthur R. M.I.R.T.E. D URING the war many Service men and women became acquainted with the Western Highlands and Islands of...
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INSTALMENT No. 2 T FIE cost sheet exemplified with this article appeared last week, when I explained the items that are...
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I do not make provision for recording actual establishment costs in this chart, as they are too numerous. I shall show, in...
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LONDON TRANSPORT APPLIES CLOSED SHOP 1 ONDON TRANSPORT has decided La not to employ workers of certain grades who are...
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D IRECTED towards greater road safety, an appeal has been circulated to all coach and bus operators in the North-western Area,...
D EGISTRATIONS of new mechanical vehicles under the ‘Roads Act, 1920, were more than five times greater in June of this year...
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WE have received from the Road Haulage Association its VV policy booklet, No. 4, entitled " Conditions of Carriage." In the...
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By J. L. Watchurst, A.C.A., J.P. I T is not without significance that Roch dale, the birthplace of the first cooperative...
'TUESDAY, August 27, was a great I day for the Ford Motor Co., Ltd., when the millionth wheeled vehicle came off the production...
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Licensing Sub-committees A N article by our contributor, "Tantalus," entitled "Scrap the Licensing Sub-committees," and our...
IN response to your request for first-hand information A on this subject, my personal experience may be of interest to you and...
WE read with great interest in the issue of " The " Commercial Motor" dated August 23, the views of your contributor " Tantalus...
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V EHICLES used in oilfields in Asia Minor and the Far East operate in great heat and over rough country, and the semi -...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications P ATENT No. 577,576 comes from the Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co.,...