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T HE Minister of Transport is in the curious position of trying to force through Parliament a. Bill with Which practically all...
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of the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., one of the subjects touched upon was the future type of bus for London traffic and, in...
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That giant tires give rise to midget bills. Of more steam-wagon bids for overseas markets. That JOY is to be found at the...
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On April 1st there came into force a new Order regarding the working hours of drivers of locomotives, motor tractors and...
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An A.B.C. Regent oil-engined bus is to be tried out by liven Corporation. The LONDON County Council has ordered two 6-ton and...
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TN our issue dated March 31st we .1.gave a resume of the paper read before a meeting of 11 technical bodies in London ; the...
Tt is reported that the Soviet Russian Government has recently placed a contract with the Fiat Co., of Turin, for the supply of...
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Interesting Methods Employed at the Goodyear Factory at Wolverhampton T "past few years have witnessed a great increase in the...
p ERHAPS one of the most important minor developments in chassis design that have taken place during recent years has been the...
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of an Important FIRE-FIGHTING FLEET S INCE the completion of the extensions to the Salford Central Fire Station the two...
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Trailer for Carrying Timber NxTE recently bad an opportunity for I" V inspecting a new 10-12-ton allsteel timber trailer,...
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for HAULAGE 1010R many „years Mr. Thomas Farrimond has been well known in the haulage industry and, amongst - other activities,...
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BEDFORD 2-TONNER for Great Britain T HE intention of Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., Luton, which is a branch of the General Motors,...
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HAULIER AND CARRIER I COME now to the consideration of the question that was raised in the previous article, in which an...
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for passenger vehicles E FFICIENT ventilation is a characteristic of the modern public-service vehicle and the improvements...
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F ROM time to time many methods of combating the : dazzle danger have been brought forward; one of the' Most simple.Principles...
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I N considering the question of trailers and hauling vehicles it is as well, in the first place, to recall that a heavy...
I N addition to a variety of trailers for loads of 0 cwt., 8 cwt., 12 cwt. and 18 cwt., intended primarily for private use, Mr....
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in PARLIAMENT By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent • Highway Code Adopted. B OTH Houses of Parliament have adopted the...
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of Passenger Transport F OR the 1931 season members of the Blackpool and District Motor Coach Owners Association have agreed...
Details of the New Arrangements Affeoting Long-distance Motor-coach Services A S announced briefly in our issue for ,last week,...
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Many Applications for Licences for Regular Services and Tours under Consideration T BE Traffic Commissioners in the South Wales...
A N interesting new form of contractticket travel is being introduced by Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., in the Preston...
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Full Schedule Produced by Local Association will be Rigidly Observed T EI Manchester and Salford motorManchester coach owners,...
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Using a Trailer with a Light Vehicle. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. 133731 Sir,—Whilst entirely agreeing with the reply...
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T O machinists the problem of procuring adequate clamps for securing to the machine bed varying thicknesses of metal is always...
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M OTOR coach travel on the Continent is gaining in popularity, more and more visitors from Great Britain and America being...
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S OME 450 members of the staff of the London General • Omnibus Co., Ltd, and their guests assembled recently for the annual...
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for Four-wheel Brakes T HE brake-equalizing device described in patent No. 343,489, by the Gilford Motor Co., Ltd., and E. B....