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A N opportunity of learning some inti mate details concerning the methods employed in running a magistrate's court presided...
A STRIKING letter from a furniture manufacturer appeared recently in the Furnishing Record. The writer claims that there is an...
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British Fuel the Best WE have received from the Where an Alternative " maker of Suncole—a coal is Plentiful . . . ....
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That several women testers of drivers have had: to resign as the result of the nervous strain, attached to their work. "Road...
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The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
removal from CA its licences of three vehicles run by the L.M.S. Railway Co. was made by Mr. V. R. Shepherd, for road...
Change of Customer S HOULD a B-licensee be allowed to change customers? This question was raised when Messrs. W. Holland and...
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Chelsea Borough Council has decided to make a strong protest to the Minister of Transport against the draft Motor Vehicles...
QUBJECT to 20 horses being dis t , ...) posed of within one month," is a condition imposed by the Yorkshire Licensing...
had gone to Southampton was now reverting to Liverpool were made by Mr. B. de H. Pereira, for the railway companies, when...
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The Russian Soviet Union is rapidly becoming self-supporting, so far as motor vehicles are concerned, and especially so in the...
A LTHOUGH the railways take every opportunity of forcing applicants for A or B licences to accept contract A licences, they...
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MR. E. H. CURTIS, chief inspector of Lincoln Corporation's transport department, has retired after 31 years' service. MR....
AIDDLESEX County Council is IVIzealous in enforcing the regulations concerning 'Vehicle laden weights. In 1035-36, says a...
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A Commer van, having Visatone sound-recording equipment and a body built by Gurney and Ewer, Ltd., Commer agent, of Ruislip,...
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Following the introduction of the new Leyland double-deck bus body, Leyland Motors, Ltd., now announces an all-metal...
T HE official report of the Royal Scottish Automobile Club on the performance, during a four - day trial, of the 4-ton lorry,...
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Smithson, the baker, to his fellow-tradesman, at the club, " how many trays can you get into your new van?" " Sixty-seven,"...
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a scheme to stabilize haulage rates, the committee of A.R.O. Cambridge and Ely Subarea, next raised this point: " That fixed...
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Is it the Last Word? O NE of the chief stumbling blocks in the development of an ideal transmission device affording an...
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G IJIDANCE for applicants for A and B licences is contained in memorandum G.M.F. 1)8, which has just been issued by the...
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and QUERIES PUBLICITY FOR THE GOODS TRANSPORT INDUSTRY. • [4849] Whilst a very large amount of important work has been...
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r - I N Thursday of last week we were 4 ..../the guests of the Belgian Ministry of Transport at a function inaugurating the new...
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importance concerning applications for licences in connection with the acquisition of businesses, conditions to be imposed on B...
B ECAUSE an operator (in this case the railway company) has carried large quantities of a certain class of goods, it does not...
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T HE decision of the West Midland Deputy Licensing Authority not to attach conditions to the B licence granted to Mr. James...
U NUSUAL circumstances were connected with the appeal of the Southern Counties Road Transport Co., Ltd., Southampton, against...
A PPEALS by Mr. W. H. Pocock, of Newbury, Major W. H. Borwick, of Wantage, and Sir Hugh Nugent (Lambourne Racehorse Transport...
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In Parliament By Our Special Parliamentar*Correspondent NO SPEED INCREASE FOR CATTLE CARRIERS. A QUESTION of considerable...
A USEFUL new device, known as the Topsel Unit, is being marketed by E. M. Francis, Ltd., 36, Heathcote Grove, Chingford,...
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to over 500 employees of United Counties Omnibus Co., Ltd., Northampton, under the award of the Industrial Court. Private...
DD ISAPPOINTING weather did not the Bank Holiday exodus by coach from London to the extent that might have been anticipated, as...
Commissioner heard the joint applications by Geo. Ewer and Co., Ltd., 'United Service Transport Co., Ltd., and Valiant Direct...
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ri-HE Yorkshire TrafficCommissioners" grant to the West Yorkshire Road Car Co., Ltd., of permission to take over the services...
was an issue raised before the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners, at York, when an application for the backing of licences for...
T HE following are the latest results of municipal transport operation during the past year:— Hull. With record traffic...
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A DEPUTATION from Glasgow Transpert Committee, which has been visitin g certain En g lish centres to investi g ate the...
A N interestin g departure from its usual practice has just been made by the famous Hotchkiss automobile concern in the...
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O N July 25, British Airways, Ltd., and British Continental Airways, Ltd., announced that, subject to the approval of the...
T HE air service which North Eastern Airways, Ltd., had to cease running in July, 1935, because wireless services in the north...
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THREE-WHEELER Road Tested LMOST a year ago, when we published a road test report of the Reliant 7-cwt. threewheeler, we were...
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DATEN'T No 449,077 comes from P. J. .Riley, of the Riley Engine Co., Ltd., Coventry, and describes a scheme whereby the...