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One of the great British successes in post-war road haulage has been the tremendous development of international transport. And...
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• Practical and theoretical examinations are part of a training programme for all goods and passenger transport vehicle drivers...
• Britain's commercial vehicle manufacturers, and constructors from five other cenintries, will be among the 400 exhibitors at...
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Announced today—a higher weight a - sion of the Mastiff from Leyland Motors cotland).Ltd; the model is a tractive unit ir 28...
Before the end of the year BR will have odified over 200 automatic half-barrier vel crossings, in line with recommendations ade...
• Larrow Transport (Northern) Ltd, the Northern-based haulage company once operated by Mr Sammy Davis in the old Davis Group...
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by David Lowe • Despite the fact that the Minister of Transport said in Parliament recently (CM July 31) that he had no...
• At Earls Court next month Britis Leyland will have no fewer than four ge turbine trucks. All will be 6 X 4 tractis units and...
• The objectives of reducing noise an smoke from motor vehicles command ii complete support, the Freight Transpo Association...
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lemount system I A demountable container developed by 4orthern Warehouse Services Ltd for the istribution of consumer goods is...
1 Once again the "surprise item" at the nnual conference of the Road Haulage .ssociation (Palace Hotel, Torquay. /ctober 19 to...
the entre for Interfirm Comparison, will (plain the Association's costs and -oductivity scheme (CAPS) and answer iestions....
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• With few exceptions road hauliers in Canada are facing hard times. Tight money, uncertainty about the effect of tax reform...
• The Transport Tribunal has upheld the decision of the Eastern LA to restrict the 0 licence of B. H. King and Son Transport...
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The National Committee on Road ransport Education has recently issued its port for 1969—showing a decrease in the amber of...
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• The applications to increase tares by the London Transport Executive and London Country Bus Services Ltd have been granted....
We cannot wait for implementation of the Maud Report. Voluntary regroupings between municipal operators and the National Bus...
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A 45-seat front entrance Camagna Two ingle-deck bus body mounted on a eyland-engined Bristol RESL6L chassis or Southdown Motor...
• Following pressure by the Transport and General Workers Union, the Northern General Transport Co Ltd, and associated firms,...
From August 8 the Yorkshire Traction Co Ltd is to operate one-man buses on 14 more services in the Barnsley and Huddersfield...
correspondent II The Government faces a good deal of )rodding on transport matters when 'ornament returns after the summer...
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• Bus operators may eventually have to plan their vehicle requirements ahead as far as five or six years, a municipal bus...
Allan M. Eaton, 39, six months after joining the Automotive Products Group's clutch division at Leamington as general manager,...
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Bow Bells Deliveries Ltd, having earlier lad its application granted to take over the icences previously held by Bow Bells...
D A solicitor waved a bundle of 72 ;ummonses at the magistrate in Aldershot 2ourt on Thursday of last week and :omplained about...
• At a public inquiry in Birmingham last week two companies were both successful in separate 0-licence applications, the West...
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• In Darlington on Tuesday, RAH Transporters Ltd, of Darlington, escaped with a severe warning from the Northern LA, Mr J. A....
• Ubique Coaches, of London, have been successful in their appeal to the Minister of Transport and have been granted their...
• At a public inquiry in Birmingham las week the West Midland LA, Mr J. Else granted a total of 19 vehicles with a margii of 10...
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Unit-load vehicles will be the centre ieces on the Merriworth (Engineering) Ltd tand at Earls Court in September. The ompany...
• A new tyre to be introduced by Firestone at the Show is designed for use on goods and passenger vehicles operating at high...
• Feature exhibits of the Duramin Engineering Co Ltd, Lydney, Glos, at Earls Court will include a new semi-insulated version of...
Crypton Triangle, manufacturer of ;ngine diagnostic and brake testing quipment, has been acquired by Tube 'nvestments Ltd from...
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• Isaac Braithwaite and Son Engineers Ltd, of Ibis Works, Kendal, Westmorland, has received an export order worth £200,000 for...
• Under an agreement with the Air-0Matic Power Steering Corporation, USA, York Trailer Co Ltd is to market power steering kits...
• Four Primrose drop-frame semi-traile vans on 15in. wheels have been put int service by Kelvinator Ltd, Bromborougl The low...
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J. W. Finnis • Mr J. W. Finnis, chairman of the Road Haulage Association's international group and until recently manager of...
view by the Hawk • Brideshead restricted? "The bride, 1211 3in. high, is the scourge of all drivers of high lorries and vans."...
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)y Handyman Benchwise: Lathe sense (25) WHEN overhauling a vehicle, whether in ireparation for the MoT test or for a tormal...
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All coach operators take precautions to avoid customer complaints but for those who go to Europe the problem is greater GOODS...
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Drawbar trailers • As from June 15 1970 the Construction and Use Regulations have been amended to allow a goods vehicle to tow...
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THINK of Great Yarmouth and you think of a summer playground. Hotels and guest houses, bingo halls and hot-dog stands, pop...
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Haulage hurdles A guide to the present situation on the national road transport agreements, quotas and permits "HER MAJESTY's...
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The roll-on road to the Isles and Ireland WHEN considering developments in roll-on/roll-off ferry services, people ' are often...