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T HE Order recently issued by the Ministry of Transport permitting, in the case of goodsvehicle drivers, one period of duty of...
S TRONG hints have recently been given by the North-Western Traffic Commissioners of the possibility of a limit being-placed on...
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W E note that in a recent case in which a haulier was summoned for using a vehicle having inefficient brakes, the senior...
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Of tramway schedules that necessitate speeding. That beauty at line and finish now appeal as strongly to the commercial...
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slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which...
.THE much-publicized National Con ference, organized by the Commercial Motor Users Association, took place at Harrogate on...
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A Neight-wheeled chassis, designated the Octopus, has been added to the range of heavy goods vehicles marketed by Leyland...
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In Parliament By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent SEVERE PENALTIES FOR ALTERATION OF DRIVER'S RECORDS. O (IN being...
Ta L TEGOTIATIONS between the emplayers' and employees' panels of the Yorkshire Area Conciliation Board again broke down at a...
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MOBILE SHOPS and SHOWROOMS How Special Vehicles for Traders and Manufacturers May be Designed to Facilitate Serving and...
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that are worth watching Red Cedar and Western Hemlock, Two British Columbian Timbers Having Attractive Features for Motor...
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Retail Business Higher. Engineering Active. Satisfactory Tinplate Demand. Clothing Trade Boom. Leather and Foot wear Industries...
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Park Royal Coachworks, Ltd., is Engaged on the Production of a New All-metal Double-deck Bus Body of Interesting Design PA A...
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A A T a sitting in London, on Tuesday, the Appeal Tribunal dismissed the appeal of Mr. J. T. Plenty, of Pentre, against the...
A S part of the convention arranged by Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., and Stewart and Ardern, Ltd., for Morris-Commercial...
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ethods in L.C.C. FLEET 4AINTENANCE O NE of the most up-to-date maintenance and repair depots in the country was opened a few...
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Several Hundred Members of the Metropolitan Division of the R.H.A. Attend an Important Meeting T HE crying necessity of the...
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"SAVE US FROM OUR ALLIES WHO SUPPORT THE ENEMY." The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [44381 Sir,—After reading the letter from...
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LONDON-GLASGOW: A FASTER MAIL SERVICE. T HE new air-mail service which Hill1 man's Airways, Ltd., is running between London...
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Illuminating Import, Export, Registration and Taxation Figures tha t Gibe a Good Insight into the Progress of Road Transport in...
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Oilers in Germany How the Question of Fuel Imports and the Development of Gas Producers May Affect the Oil-engined Vehicle L...
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Associations Urged to Combine at M.O.P.A. Dinner D ISSATISFACTION with the existing system of road-transport regulation and...
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Modern Plant Installed in the Works of the Burtonwood Motor Engineering Co., Ltd., Facilitates Engine Overhauls and Ensures a...
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HAULIER and CARRIER A Case of Meagre Profit from Parcels Carrying. A Point About the Cost of Maintenance and Repairs I N...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications P ATENT No. 418,587, bearing the name of Leyland Motors, Ltd„ in...