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R OAD transport was prepared for a marked in crease in the wholesale and retail prices of fuel, but not for the savage blow...
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I T is an anomaly of the fuel crisis that the oil engine, despite its superior efficiency, has lost part of its advantage over...
Will Minister Admire M.I.R.A.? IS Mr. A. J. Watkinson, Minister of Transport, likely to visit the testing ground at Nuneaton...
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The query within a query, "Shall we see a revival of the Is your journey really necessary?' poster?" Of the (at first sight...
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O N Tuesday the Chancellor of the Exchequer added Is. a gallon to the fuel tax, making it 3s. 6d. a gallon, and the oil...
BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT PPLICATION for a substantial increase in wages is to be made to 1 Th the Road Haulage Wages Council...
R EPORTS from different parts of the I N. country show that operators are experimenting with additions of petrol to oil fuel...
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INSTRUCTIONS have been issued by the Minister of Transport to Regional Transport Commissioners concerning the issue of...
IMMEDIATE protests were made by 1 . many national associations, representing road transport operators and customers. against...
T HE miscalculations of East Yorkshire Motor Services, Ltd., had been amazing. They were £12.744 out on one month's operations,...
T HE speed limit for heavy goods vehicles will be increased in the spring, writes our Parliamentary Correspondent. The Minister...
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MR. F. BANNISTER has been appointed sales manager of the accumulator and starter-battery division of the SiemensEdiswan...
B ETWEEN June and September this year 10,136 more C-licence vehicles appeared, bringing the total in September to 981,201, The...
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D ECISION on an application by Blackpool Corporation for a general increase in fares on their but; and tram services was last...
iransport committee (The Commercial Motor Iasi week 1. Thames Valley Traction Co., Ltd.. have applied for increases to the...
W HERE traffic is beyond the capacity of available trunk-road services, British Road Services will hand it to the railways....
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I T was announced on Wednesday that Simms Motor Units, Ltd., had acquired the exclusive licence to manufacture and sell in...
Brussels Show Off: The Brussels Motor Show, to have been held from January 1223, has been cancelled. Evode Move: The offices...
P E Yorkshire Deputy Licensin g Authority last week severely criticized an applicant, and commented that he (the applicant),...
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D URING 1955 there were 6.867 accidents in connection with the working, loading or unloading of vehicles. This is stated in the...
A GUARANTEE that Glasgow's trams. which were due for early withdrawal, will not be abandoned until the Middle East crisis has...
A RATIONING system for vehicle fuels and other petroleum products is to be introduced in Eire from January 1, with the object...
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EFUSING an application for a new B licence, at Leeds last week, the Yorkshire Licensing Authority warned the applicants that...
D ESP1TE strong representations by objectors that the ease should be heard forthwith, the North Western Deputy Licensing...
TO obtain a saving in the cost of food transport, the Western Licensing Authority last week granted a licence ta Mr. D. A....
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A LTHOUGH the application for a 1— k new B licence for six articulated uaits appeared ambitious, in reality it would not add...
False Figures 'WHEN Mr. George Ernest White VI' appealed to the Transport Tribunal last week against the West Midland...
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us Increase 111.1111111ILT::77 T HE continuing displacemen( of trams by buses again accounts for a further increase in the...
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Short-term B Licences for C-Licensees Cases Presented to Government : Advice to P.S.V. Operators : Ration Guaranteed : T.U.C....
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A PLEA for clarification by the Government of the reasons for the fuel crisis was made by Mr. C. E. Jordan, chairman of the...
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LRTISTS By A. E. Sherlock-Mesher I N only six months last year a transformation was wrought at Rownhams, a fine, large estate...
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A ' part of the £25m. expansion laid modernization project embarked upon in 1954, the British Motor Corporation are to...
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• rington Contender Mk. VIII Coack has Is-Royce Petrol Engine and Automatic Tbox : Cary-Gregoire Rear Suspension Gives Superior...
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A N inertia machine capable of simulating the effect of stopping a maximum-load eight-wheeler from 30 mph. with one brake, is...
W ITH the aim of improving the efficiency of one-man bus and coach operation, S. Smith and Sons (Radiomobilc), Ltd., Goodwood...
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What's in a Name? By The Hawk A S one who thinks seriously about affairs, Mr. John Barber, managin g director of Victory...
A N addition to the Austin ran g e in the shape of the A35 pick-up, was announced this week by the Austin Motor Co., Ltd.,...
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Guardian Association Commended I WOULD refer to the article in your journal dated A November 23, headed "Guardian Association...
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Spur of the Moment R ECRIMINAT1ON against the Government for creating the situation that has made fuel rationing necessary has...
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A N electronically controlled system of fuel injection has been developed in America by the Bendix Aviation Corporation. The...
A NY operator who is considering using trailers as a short-term measure to increase his load-carrying capacity on his meagre...
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T HE establishment by the Governmerit of a special technical commission to review road passenger transport throughout Britain,...
Private undertakings should be guaranteed an annual profit equal to the average of their annual profits since 1930, in...
T HE Minister of Transport announced last week that he had set up a new committee to further the staggering of working hours in...
G OOD public relations were today more important than ever before in the transport industry, Mr. J. H. Brebner, O.B.E., public...
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IT is well known that increasing the I pressure angle of gear teeth will result in a decrease of the bending moment applied to...