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A LL of us, even those who regard mechanical -C1.-transix)rt on the road as, within certain limits, a much more perfect method...
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That some brakes can be smelt. That some tar sprayers are tartars. Of no small finance chest at Chester. That 40 m,p.h....
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Prizewinners at Sheffield's Third Parade. The third annual parade organized by the North-eastern Division (Sheffield and...
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A Useful Competition Designed to Show the Capabilities of the Different Motorcycle and Sidecar Combinations on the Market. T...
A T . midnight on July let a fleet of 32 new motorvans was put into service at Liverpool to supplement an existing fleet of 23...
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T HE operations of loading and unloading a motor vehicle, often enolagh simple in themselves, have a direct bearing on working...
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TN establishing a country haulage business the - 1 -main problem seems to be one cf having to convey goods from the producer to...
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The range of tyres marketed by the Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd., • of 343345, .Eusten Road, London, N.W..1, has just been...
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O rINE OF the most successful types of vehicle operating in the war area over rough country was the E.W.D., of which. some...
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The appearance of the driver in many forms of commercial service can be made to be a distinct business asset if he be equipped...
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DROGRESS in the motorbus enter prise directed . by the Lancashire United Tramways, Ltd., of Atherton, Liverpool and...
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The highways committee of the West Riding County is supporting an application from the Ilkley Urban District Council that the...
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T HE 84th annual show of the Royal Agricultural Society of England bids fair to establisn several records, for, large as was...
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An interesting feature of one of the miller's wagons is a hoist gear, taking the form of a winch drum on the flywheel ; pullies...
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The Number of Agrimotors in this Country Not Having Increased Lately, it is of Interest to Consider the Relation of the...
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T liE loads which the vehicle shown in the accompanying illustrations will carry will represent so much traffic lOst to the...
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T HE long-standing disagreement between the Hartlepool and the West Hartlepool Corporations on the question of whether...
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ONEO NE of the most striking bodies we have as yet examined is that designed and constructed by the Dartford Engineering Co.,...
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TN a previous article we drew attention, in light-1-hearted fashion, to the hold-up in London and in the provinces. Here we...
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'TIRE motor cable ploughiiv; . windlass is considerably less bulky than its forerunner, the steam-driven ploughing windlass,...
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The Prospects of a Government Bill Amending Road Vehicle Legislation. Suggestions for Diminishing Road Risks. T HE Association...
The various fittings marketed by Beckett, Laycock and Watkineon, Ltd., under the trade Mark "Beclawat " have achievegl...
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Committee of Lords Approves Liverpool and Birkenhead Joint Bill. T HE tunnel under the River Mersey to provide faciliJ_ ties...
A SIMPLE, but apparently very ± 1 1_ effective, device for lessening the rebound of springs on motor vehicles has recently been...
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"C1EW BRANCHES of industry have benefited more by the rapid growth of mechanical road transport than that of the...
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rpHERE is held annually in London TO exhibition of recent inVentions, the idea in the main being to provide facilities for...
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A Series of Extremely Valuable Suggestions Emanating from Chief Constables and from Representatives of Road Users. O NE of the...
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A. N THIS series of hints concerning the Ford light chassis and ton truck wherever they are employed for commercial purses, we...
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W EIE1Nt a vehicle is under repair it is often advantageous to be able to raise two wheels, to increase the ground clearance...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patent Specifications. ' I.A.T. Societe Anonima of Italy describe an arrangement for reducing...