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T HE Report of the Departmental Committee on Traffic Signs which was issued last week is, in many respects, a most useful...
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judgment given by the Court of Appeal in --L a recent ease in which the user of a steam wagon was fined for failing to paint...
the World Economic Conference it is abundantly clear that those parts of the earth which are now "commercialized" offer a...
1. OTOR vehicle users in other countries are .. \ receiving even more attention from politicians than they are at home. In the...
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That ticket-issuing machines are creating increasing interest. That low first cost and low cost per mile now often go hand in...
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by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it...
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Bradford's Refuse-collection Tenders. Tenders from the following for the removal of refuse in outlying districts of Bradford,...
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A Regraded Range of Models That are Available as Normal and Forward Machines in a Number of Wheelbase Lengths A RE-GRADED...
Details of an Interesting, Well equipped Outfit Outfit Recently Built for the Reigate Fire Brigade. W E reproduce on this page...
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A Service System for the Supply of Replacements Which Enable Old Vehicles to be Run Economically T "question of absorbing old...
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The Editor, TEE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [41061 Sir,—I refer to Mr. Street's letter published in your issue for last week. I agree...
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I N deciding upon its road-transport policy, the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain) Ltd. had to take into account the...
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IN PARLIAMENT By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent Road and Rail Traffic Bill in Committee The Twelfth Sitting. A T...
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Fuel Cost How Fuel Consumption is Affected by Aerodynamic Form as Well as by Weight and Power. Some Average Cost Figures I T...
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En ines Needed I N the past few months The Commercial Motor has urged the concentration of aero engine makers on the...
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AINING FO P os i IN AIR ANSPO T HE position, as faced by the road-transport man who contemplates entering commercial...
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(I NIP er 163 -mp.h. Monoplane New Junkers All-metal eroplane Haying Trailing=eige Flaps to Allow High Flying Speed with L w...
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Hull-Amsterdam Service Scheme. Further consideration has been given by Hull municipality to a scheme for an air service...
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Big Hopes for Canning Trade. Drapery Demand Slackening. Important Building Contracts. Boot and Shoe Activity Constant MRADE...
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T IIE machinery section of the implements section of this year's Royal Show, although bigger than last year's, was not so big...
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Now in Production Models Now Available Suitable for Converting Ford and Bedford Vehicles. Smooth Running and Freedom from...
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Inexpensive 2-tonner Affords Good Acceleration and Hill-climbing. An Economical Machine that Should Make a Strong Appeal to...
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Comb - ating Cylinder Wear Oil Positively Drawn Around the Entire Periphery of the Pistons by Engine Suction F OLLOWING upon...
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CHIEF OFFICIALS OF L.P.T. • BOARD. THE names of the chief officials of the London Passenger Transport Board, which took over...
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Minister's Decisions to Take Effect on October I T IIE Minister of Transport has issued Orders in connection with the appeals...
A N order for 12 56seater coachbalIt bodies, to be mounted on Guy six-wheeled trolley-bus chassis, is being completed for Derby...
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A Sphere of OperatiOn that Offers Considerable Possibilities. The Economics of Livestock Haulage T HERE is no industry in...