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H OT weather, when it occurs, makes news in Britain, but it also carries a warning to conscientious operators to "watch those...
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ir 0 the layman there seems no obvious connection between the Derby Carriage and Wagon Works and General Industrial...
Bird's Eye View S INCE at was first introduced, the Pressed Steel Co., Ltd., Roadrailer has remained an intriguing idea to...
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Out of Step O BVIOUSLY, by imputation, Mr. Cottrell is satisfied that he has got to the root of the problem. Rather in the same...
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT A NEW campaign against road haulage contractors and their drivers who work excessive hours...
TRANSPORT licensing history was I made last week when Crosville Motor Services became the first road operators to appear before...
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"Tribunal Wrongly Exercised Its Discretion" T HE hearing of the appeal against the Transport Tribunal's decision in the...
From Our Political Correspondent N AMES are being steadily added to Mr. Rupert Speir's Commons motion asking for urgent action...
ffi will be some time before the need to keep dery records is scrapped. The I Hydrocarbon Oils (Marking of Gas Oil)...
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After 33 years' service with Halifax Passenger Transport Department, Mr. Harold Bell, chief inspector since 1955. is to retire...
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(Continued from page 789) M R. FAY referred to evidence given before the Licensing .Authority by 27 objectors, and said it...
O NE vehicle out of a total of three applied for was granted to Edwards Transport (Lydbrook), Ltd., of Lydbrook (Glos), by the...
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"Hiring Was Not Phenomenal" A N appeal against a grant by the Western Licensing .Authority of an additional 9-ton artic. to J....
A N appeal by the British Transport Commission against the grant of an additional 3+-ton vehicle to B. H. King of Kcmpston....
A N appeal by Morton, Transport (Coventry), Ltd., against a decision of the West Midland Licensing Authority who had refused...
Transport and Warehousing (Manchester), Ltd., who appealed against a decision of the North Western Licensing Authority,...
U NPA1NTED aluminium-alloy exterior panels are the distinguishing features of RM 664—an L.T.E. Routemaster to be placed in...
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From our Political Correspondent p LAIN, straightforward nationalization of road transport is dropped from the Labour Party's...
F IVE people have been short-listed for the post of deputy general manager. Nottingham transport department, in place of Mr. H....
B ARTON TRANSPORT, of Chilwell. near Nottingham, were granted a licence to run a weekly express service from Nottingham to...
A N application by Hugh Clelland and Sons, Chryston, to increase their cement tanker fleet by five vehicles was partially...
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ECOMMENDATIONS for improvements in vehicle design to lessen the risk of injuries or to minimize their severity when road...
M EMBERS of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers who have been conducting independent investigations into the problem of...
A N agreement has been signed by F. Perkins, Ltd., for Perkins three-, fourand six-cylindered diesel engines to be manufactured...
T HE " social problem" posed if commercial vehicles make collections and deliveries at night is discussed by Mr. H. R....
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T H E Western Traffic Commissioners / sitting at Bristol last week granted an application for the revision of fares by' the...
O NLY token opposition was offered by 14 Devon, Somerset and Dorset local authorities, to an application, heard befOre the...
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From our Iniustrial Correspondent L ONDON busmen chan g ed their minds .1-4 last week on the q uestion of introducin g a...
A S already announced, Mr. Colin Buchanan has been appointed to the Ministry of Transport to undertake a study of the....
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- Fconomical -say Birkenhead L ARGE-CAPACITY buses may be the answer to problems in the larger cities where traffic densities...
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S INCE an article was published in the January 13, 1956, issue of The Comtnercial Motor on the transport operations of...
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Control Streamlines Steel Works Tra ffic A RichardThomas and Baldwins Scheme at the Spencer Works at Lianwern. by P. A. C....
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es Its Tippers lugh A LTHOUGH medium-capacity 4 x 4 chassis are rarely used by the average haulier, in Great Britain, this...
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E VERY technical or operational improvement made by the railways is paraded •before the public in the Press and elsewhere and...
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THERE are several large block applications for both A and B licences this week. The largest is one by Flynn Brothers...
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The New Edition of" The Commercial Motor" Tables of Operating Costs Makes Allowance for Several Increases in Users'...
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H ERE in Nigeria. the Big Five, and for that matter the leading Continental vehicle Manufacturers, are each served by one main...
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A Special Correspondent Looks at the B.T.C. Report and Accounts IN 1960, British Road Services earned £3m. more than in I 1959,...
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Tom Walton needed a new van. Needed it here and now. 4 But he couldn't afford here and now to pay the full price. So what was...