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)1 3 E R ATING costs have isen by between 16.25 and 0.20 per cent during the , ast 15 months, according to he final report of...
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from our political correspondent THE Government's decision not to allow 18-year-olds to drive heavy goods vehicles is a...
DUAL-MODE buses — capable of being driven normally on conventional roads or automatically controlled on reserved tracks — took...
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CM reporter 4LESS there was a htning settlement of the Auction workers' diste at British Petroleum's angemouth plant, road...
THE TRU Con ri Innsbruck last was decided to approach the Go\ errttnenis tif all rilerriber c(itaitries and the EEC on q...
The IR feels that OR: inevidfhle effect of the existing social regirlathins in the FTC w ill be the disappearance of a large...
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THE Transport and General Workers' Union branch 5/35 claims that about 190 operators in the West Midlands face strike action on...
OFFICIALS of the Ect omic Commission of OP the Organisation of Petr eum Exporting Countr disclosed on Sunday ti they intended...
ABOUT 100 men emploi by the Carlisle haulage fii J. and W. Watt Ltd, h; taken strike action ovet wage claim. Sixty men employed...
THE 1975 Brussels In national motor show, whicl eludes commercial vehicles coachwork, is to take p from January 15 to 26.
continued from Page 18 were as valid now as they were when the Bill was originally produced, continued Lord Mowbray....
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CRITICISM of the number of istomers who expect empty illets to be returned withit transport charges has ime from the...
FOLLOWING the recent application of orders banning vehicles of over 3 tons ulw from through-use of three roads in North...
MR FRED MULLEY, the Transport Minister, told MPs last week that he would continue to resist strenuously the EEC proposals for...
A NEW groupage service to Lisbon has been introduced by the Bradford-based company Transflash Units. The service will be...
T. J. E. Price (md, T. J. E. Price (Cardiff) Ltd) has been elected chairman of the South Wales maintenance committee for goods...
knd champions back 'TER 16 regional contests, tries to the CM Lorry Driver the Year Competition show increase of 7 per cent on...
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• THE 14th IRU Congress held at Innsbruck, Austria, last week should dispel any doubts in the minds of British operators that...
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Dr H. St Seidenfus (chairman), professor of politicoeconomics, Wilhelm University, Westphalia; director of the Institute of...
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E,SPONSIBILITY for ndon Transport's policy d finance should be taken ay from the Greater ndon Council and given a larger public...
highidge integral bodywork lye been ordered by the ottish Bus Group for use ith its W. Alexander and )ris (Fife) Ltd...
SIGNATORIES of the Confederation of British Road Passenger Transport's declaration of intent will meet in Scarborough next week...
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NO DIRECTION was made against a mid-Wales farmer who found himself before the South Wales LA at Cardiff after his vehicle had...
A TRANSPORT manager complained of the "considerable difficulty in getting the right type of driver" to the South Eastern...
A SUCCESSFUL application to increase bus fare was Made to the North Western Traffic Commissioners in Manchester last week by...
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HE MANAGING director E' a Southampton haulage rm last week pointed out Le dangers of accepting a istomer's statement on the...
FINE of £20 on each of four Iarges of failing to cause a river to keep records of ours worked was imposed at arton (Lincsj...
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FUEL can be saved by careful vehicle selection, by we informed and skilful maintenance, by changes in operatir methods and by...
A BOOK which is likely to become one of the most wellthumbed in the transport world has just been published — Clifford Toyne's...
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extended, according to a report published by the Transport and Road Research Laboratory, and should cover the noises from...
LEYLAND Redline Boxer BX1000 models fitted with a Primrose third axle can now be plated at 16.26 tonnes (16 tons) gvw instead...
A NEW high-load farm field trailer with more than adequate road performance has been developed by the Cranford Engineering...
A VEHICLE with a flat fronted body 3.7m high absorbed as much power at 9.14 tonnes as an identical chassis with flat platform...
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Nice story, said to be true, came my way last week. Seems there is a long hill on a main trunk road out of London where it is...
My colleague who interviewed Mrs Benny King for our Meet column last week tells me that this vivacious lady came up with a bit...
Anyone who has ever tried to relate the drawing in the handbook to the part that has come adrift behind the cylinder block on a...
"Built like a Mack" is a phrase whici carries a world of meaning fo Americans, conveying something o the frontier toughness...
BEN the Motor and Cycle Trade: Benevolent Fund — is spreading it: net. At its recent annual meetint the charity, which covers...
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iow Midlands BRS keeps its 200 vehicles running despite upply and staffing iroblems—and manages to ake in a little profitable...
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Commercial Motor produces several special publications to aid operators. Currently in print are:— CM Tables of Operating Costs...
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.■■■ TTICRLI pL LrmaNd by George E. Toles EN before the fuel crisis the US ivy truck industry was making an out effort to...
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n American correspondent's impressions of ne of the GM gas turbine powered tractive nits which are quietly being tested in...
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Although Dawson Freight of Leighton Buzzard operates a trucking fleet of 100 vehicles, predominantly . Volvos, overhauling and...
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to the eyland National project D What's what in double-deck bus design 0 Vhat causes bus breakdowns. BC's engineering policy...
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trailers THAT THE road width a commercial vehicles needs when cornering depends on the design of the vehicle and its size is...
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IT WOULD seem that the choice between using articulated units and drawbar outfits rests more on operational considerations than...
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k tandem-axle tipping skeletal semi-trailer has ecently been added to AHP's range which also nciudes, conventional...
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RAILWAY publicity has several facets. It is often inconsistent, but this is no longer considered a fault as long as the effect...
Not everyone would like to be called a "muck shifter," but Malcolm Wood, managing director of Effluent Dis posal Ltd, of...
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kLTHOUGH there is still something ike 18 months before the driving tours regulations laid down by the European Economic...
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Regulation 120 of the Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1973 restricts the distance between drawing and towed...
years ago but now find that I can expand the ■ usiness so that I am able to buy !nother two vehicles and employ tall to drive...
it to my ?pot with another artic unit? I ?lieve that this is permissible proding that one of them is unladen; es it matter...
company has put an electric vehicle into service for night work because of its silent operation. Is there any other advantage...
deliver, has a somewhat restricted access. Till -now, I have operated rigid vehicles but I have been offered work which is more...
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N 1110 the small haulier 00 There's more to collective bargaining than pay awards; smoother industrial relations, manpower...
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by Les Oldridge T Eng (CEO, MIMI, AMIRTE IN Wills v Woodward (1956)54 LGR 142 it was held that where a court is satisfied that...
Among special publications produced by Commercial Motor in order to aid operators are: CM Vehicle replacement guide — our new...
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A new cold-water power washer from Modern Devices comes to the customer ready to use. No extras need be bought. The Mini...
Grease Monkeys are the latest pro. tective footwear under the Totectorf brand. Claimed to be highly resistant tc petrol, oil...
Deliberately rounded contours ant the ability to collapse under forwart or side impacts are the claimed safet: features of a...
Clayton Crane and Hoist has a new range of wire rope electric hoists. 111 Manufactured entirely to metric standards, the...
Latest addition to the Arrow Power range of pressure washers is the Hot Wash E. It features a 1.5 kW (2 hp) single-phase 240V...
A powerful beam or long ten emergency lighting is available at th flick of a switch with the new Q Teel hand-lamp. It's...