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We are glad to observe the official statement that 15 mechanical transport companies are now in existence, of a total of 19...
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Can You Afford to be the Last to Change ? An Impromptu Interview. By the Editor. The above question was put, in the writer's...
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Of hard voting for the I,A.E. conned, and that some I: hard swearing will follow, That it takes a longer time to grow a van...
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The History of the Government Motor-Transport Service in Southern Nigeria. The Ibadan-Oyo motor service was started five years...
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by VAN, WAGON and TRACTOR. An impromptu interview on the " Horse v. Motor " problem will be found on pages 2 and 3. More...
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The C.M.U.A. Takes Energetic Action. A Request for News of SuitableM Shelters. Their Approval and Inspection. Text 0 the...
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,41: 7 0 , x New Routes at Exeter. The question of the linking up of some portions of the Exeter tramways by means of...
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Details of a New Mechanically-driven Oil-Pump Made by a Famous Firm. After some of the freak ideas and forms of construction...
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses. Our leading articles this week inevitably...
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The latest development in the direction of hydiaulic gears hails from America. This is the Manly gear. It is now being fitted...
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Established in 1897, the Factory of E. G. Wrigley & Co., Ltd., Has Again'Been Extended. At the invitation of Mr. J. U. Steven,...
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A petrol-driven chassis of recent introduction is the 3i - ton Berna. lorry ; this is one for which its maker informs us there...
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Principally Concerning the Growing Realization of the Supersession of the Tramway. Current Advice. Electrocute your horses...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commer. ial motors. Letters should be on one side...
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We have been favoured, by tie. Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., of Scotstoun, Glasgow, with a copy of a really beautiful photograph...
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The Difference Between Turret and Capstan Lathes. [1939J " ENG1/VSER " (Sussex), writes :—"I am the proprietor of a fairly...
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A HISTORY OF INLAND TRANSPORT, by E. A. Pratt, published by Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co., Ltd., Carter Lane, E.C.—This...
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY is paid for the best cornmunication received, and one penny a line of ten words for anything else...
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Complete specifications of the following patents will be sent to any address in the United Kingdom upon receipt of eightpence...