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T HE strike of drivers and conductors of the Central London buses is a regrettable occurrence, which we cannot but think should...
S TRONG corroboration of our leading article of last week, in which we called for an impartial inquiry into the effects of the...
011-engined Vehicle A NOIIIER triumph for a Gal ns New World's . 1-1, commercial-type oil engine Record w-as won at Mont1h6ry...
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The Ministry of Transport has issued a. report on the census of traffic ou Class 2 roads, which was taken from August 10-16,...
" IN an industry so hemmed in by legislation and taxation of one kind and another, we have every right to demand fairness in...
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The railways' system of furniture removals is illegal under the Road and Rail Traffic Act. This contention was again urged upon...
MR. CECIL H. BROADHURST has been appointed advertising manager of C.A.V.-Bosch, Ltd. Loan BURGHLEY has recently joined the...
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The L.M.S. Railway announces that toll charges at Connel Bridge, which spans Loch Etive at Connel Ferry, Argyll, and which...
QEVEllE warning was given to an applicant by Mr. A. Henderson, Southern Scotland Licensing Authority, on Tuesday, when...
A LLEGATIONS of, railway. -interference were .made at hearings, before the Northern Licensing Authority, last week, of a number...
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The last stage has now been reached in the scheme for modernizing the North Circular Road, Middlesex. When this road was...
DLEADING not guilty, Joseph Keel ing, garage proprietor, of Viaduct Garage, Kirkstall Road, Leeds, and Thomas Whitehead,...
Lanark County Council is buying two Ley land F1t6 saloon-type fire-engines. West Riding Mental Hospitals Board requires; a...
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An Outline of the Events that Led to the Setting Up of the Government - Committee of inquiry, the Report of Which is Dealt With...
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Dyson Eight-wheeler Designed for Transformer Transport, Machinery Carrying and General Utility B UILT for the specific purpose...
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I COME again andagain to the same difficulty in dealing with schedules of haulage rates which are submitted to me for...
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from i Ton to 5 Tons Modern Appearance and Sturdy Construction Characterize the Latest Oldsmobiles T HE latest Oldsmobile range...
Gifford Chassis, Employing Gas Generator, Starting Today on Run to Scotland. Suggestions for Rendering Vehicles Adaptable for...
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Two Well-equipped Merryweather Appliances Recently Added to the Large Fleet Used for the Protection of the Metropolis I N...
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A Plea for Educating the Public, as Well as Traders, in the True Position of the Industry. An Urgent Task Which Faces the...
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Modernized Appearance, More Efficient Engine and Better Brakes Among Important Modifications A NUMBER of improvements to its...
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S WEEPING changes in the administration of the road-transport industry and its ancillary section, so far as it concerns the...
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TAXATION'S INFLUENCE ON PRODUCTION COSTS. Chambers of Commerce should urge the establishment of a Government committee to...
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and QUERIES The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be...
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e r HE Gas Light and Coke Co. has I just placed in service the interesting vehicle illustrated on this page. Its basis is a...
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A Further Selection of Short Narratives Indicating the Many Virtues of Road Motors for 'a Wide Variety of Tasks FORDSONS HELP...
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T HE return of imports into Argentina for the opening two months of this year shows that, for the first time since 1930,...
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PASSENGER TRANSPORT Upheaval Among INREST among busmen is spreading. The strikes by employees of Maidstone and District Motor...
Ministry of Labour's intervention in the London bus dispute, London Transport's central bus workers withdrew labour at midnight...
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WHEN separate fares are collected VI' from passengers, whether payments are made to the owner of the vehicle or to any other...
VARIATION OF A, B AND C-LICENCE PERIODS. A FTER a long discussion, the Road Traffic Bill, promoted by Sir Assheton Pownall,...
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A N interesting glimpse of experimental. work is given in patent No. 463,215, by C. B. Redrup, " Cramlord," Cransley Crescent,...