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The first six months is not a lengthy span in the life of a journal, but it is a probationary period during which those...
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The Society of Motor Omnibus Engineers grows apace. Interesting particuiars of this important organisation are given on page...
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The first MiInes-Dainiler omnibus delivered to the Bath Tramways Co., Ltd., ran its trial trip to Corsham last week. The...
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In concluding the section to which we devoted 11 pages in our last number, it will be of interest to our readers to have a...
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Sir Alfred Lewis Jones, K.C.M.G., VicePresident of the L.S.-P.T.A. The numerous official positions which are ably filled by...
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We pointed out in our several reports at the time that speed was regarded as the first element by drivers in the recent French...
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Wilful Obstruction. The Editor, " THE COMblERCIAL MOTOR." Sir :—The following case may be of interest to your readers :--On...
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" Experience " (London) writes to us on the 3rd instant :— "I have lately heard a good deal with reference to the smoke...
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It is characteristic of the motor bus-that it should be found plying in surroundings of all natures, from the crowded streets...
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Second Article. Following the article contained in our issue of August 241h, we go further into the matter of the economical...
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Carburetters, Wheels, and Ignition. No. 20,506, dated September 2 3 rd, 1904. —Carburetter.—E. W. Walford, London. This...