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T HE SUDDEN RAISING of the price of petrol and benzole on Monday of ,last week by seven pence per gallon, without a word of...
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"Sam—you well l" That it's a put-up job. Why not call it Bomb Shell? Of the Gulf stream-line. That petrol is ear ....
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The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all dieicullies of transport at whatever paints arising, as a carriage is by the...
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Our Contributor Suggests Another Way by Which Non-capitalistic Garage Proprietors May Become Part-owners of Goods and,...
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The Motor Coach' Services of Bour A Busy Centre of the Movement. , OURNEMOUTH, as aconvenient starting point and centre for...
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T IPPING BODIES, which were at one time almost cqmpletely Confined to municipal vehicles, are becoming more and mare popular...
A sparking plug of interesting design has recently been brought to our notice. This plug can be removed from the engine without...
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The Need for Common Sense in the Framing and Entorcing of Licensing By-laws and Regulations. Should there be a Motor Coach...
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Matters of Topical Interest to Proprietors of Chars-a-Bancs. Evening Trips by Chars-a-bancs. For Health and Enjoyment these...
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By "The Inspector." Q UITE A NUMBER of salesmen and assistants will, no doubt, at the present time, be considering the...
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Post-war German Lorries now in this Country. B EFORE AND DURINGthe war, probably one of the most outstanding features in the...
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An Occasional Chat on Subjects and Problems of Interest to Those Who are Engaged, or About to be Engaged, in Running Commercial...
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Farm Tractors Regarded from the View-point of the User . and Potential User. M R. S. F. EDGE, at the recent meeting of the...
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T HE INCREASING popularity of the electric vehicle for certain classes, of work is very noticeable. Not only in this country is...
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TEN SHILLINGS is paid to the sender of any letter which we publish on this page, and an EXTRA FIVE SHILLINGS to the sender of...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patents. Drivers who can effect perfect and silent gear changes under ail conditions of running...