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V ' E are convinced that some agency is at work • on a propaganda against the motor coach, not with a view to its attempted...
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That good tyres refuse bad slips. Of reduced overhang with six-wheelers , That builders often bless buses for business. Of...
They were two very good friends, motorists of recent attainment, always yarning and pulling each' other's legs, often with a...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever poinis arising, as a carriage is by the...
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Some Notes on the Various Studebaker Models now on the British Market and Brief Details of the Chassis. O introduction to the...
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D URING a recent visit to the works of Halley's Industrial Motors, Ltd., Yoker, Glasgow, we found that they were particularly...
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• A Simple Device for the Loading Depot Which Enables Short Forward Movements of a Vehicle to Lift the Load From the Ground....
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A N easily fitted and very efficient additional braking system for Ford vans was produced some years ago in Paris, under the...
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Useful Service in the Lake District and in Many Places where the Presence of Buyers Attracts the Sellers. MO determine the...
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MHE idea • of "associated retail 1 deliveries " is being put forward in the grocery trade for reducing costs and expediting the...
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Valuable Advice on Every Phase of Ford Transport which will Appeal to the Owner, Driver and Repairer. 440.—Preventing Leakage...
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The Evolution of the Motor Services betw4 Developmen 3eyrout and Baghdad, and the Consequent the Traffic. flENTURIES before...
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A " NV form of demountable pneumatic tyre rim has been introduced in the United States of America by the Goodyear Tire and...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. MOTOR SERVICES IN NEW ZEALAND. How they Have Assisted to a...
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A Wallasey Owner's Table of Running and Overhead Expenses Which Permits Fare-quoting Without Delay. V 'SITING a coachowner in...
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How the Packard Motor Services are Running their Own Fleet and Providing Accommodation for Visiting Vehicles. B RADFORD has...
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The Materials and Methods Employed to Secure the High-grade Finish Nowadays Required. TIAINTING has the two-fold object of...
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R ECENT developments indicate that a truce is likely in the pitched battle which has been carried on in the Tyneside...
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Some Useful Notes from Our Driver and Mechanic Readers. Boring In the Lathe. • lUrANY garage engineers experience •...