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O F the user of road transport it may he said, in the words of the poet, that "the path he has to wander in". is, indeed,...
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S "N'a driver of a heavy-goods vehicle will be required to hold a special licence, and a point of interest in this connection...
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That a Barrett jack is no duffer. Of many weighing the comparative merits of the i.c.e. and the c.i.e. That even in literary...
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DRIVERS' HOURS: CONCILIATION BOARD SEEKS VARIATION. The Minister of Transport announces that he has received an application...
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O WING to the regulations regarding %.—/drivers' hours, special interest is being taken by operators in instruments that record...
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Changing a Licence from Class B to Class A. (112) QUESTION We have recently been granted a Class B licence for discretionary...
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Suit THE DAIRYMAN'S NEEDS T HE dairyman's van for house-tohouse deliveries carries not only bottled milk, eggs and butter,...
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PUT TO THE TEST U NSHAKEN confidence in a principle that renders the Multiwheeler fundamentally different from other...
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A N illustration on this page shows one of the first new light 13tonners to be produced by Seammell Lorries, Ltd., 52-54, High...
A N inexpensive and easily fitted governor for Fords, Fordsons and Bedfords is now being handled by R. M. Papelian, Ltd.,...
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and tin are the chief constituents of white-metal bearings for all purposes. Arsenic and barium are very occasionally added in...
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for the Low-Loading Trailer A MONG certain detail modifications and improvements in the design of the horsebox trailers...
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TERMINAL SERVICE BY AUTOGYRO.. In our issue dated April 6 we published two drawings, prepared by our artist, to illustrate the...
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QUERIES HOW TO DEAL WITH SLOW-MOVING .TRAFFIC. The Editor, THE COMMERCIACMOTOR, 143762 Sir,—Perhaps the most interesting...
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THERE would appear to be ample scope for a forward-control van of the minimum rated capacity, viz., 5-8 cwt. Drapers,...
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PASSENGER TRANSPORT T HE Draft Regulations concerning contract-carriage records have been circulated to national associations...
T HE Minister of Transport has an• flounced his decision in regard to important appeals relating to the question of duplication...
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A T . the annual general meeting of the Booking Agents Association of Great Britain, Ltd,, which was held in London on August...
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T "general engineering trade still shows signs of continuing improvement. Sheffield reports that the demand for steel shows no...
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Typified by Recent Deliveries HE most recent registration returns 4 ( :issued by the Ministry of Transport afford convincing...
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HAULIER and CARRIER I STATED, early in this series of articles, that there were two objects in view. First, that of...
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WITH the approach of winter the de sirability of heating the interior of the passenger vehicle comes to the fore, and with this...