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Several Important Factors are Turning Attention to the Merits of Battery Chassis T HE progress of the battery-electric vehicle...
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OMMENCING on April 28, a series of talks on the subject of transport will be broadcast, and we are glad to note that, contrary...
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The Search for Natural L . ⢠NGINEERS are still Oil Proceeding in 1 â.d endeavouring to discover Scotland . . . important...
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NO CHALLENGE TO MINISTER'S AUTHORITY. Intimation that evidence submitted on behalf of the Minister of Transport was not to be...
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An extract from a letter by a concern of quarry owners was successfully offered as evidence by Mr. T. D. Corpe to the Western...
A T Liverpool, before the NorthWestern Deputy Licensing Authority (Sir William Hart), last week, it was revealed that the...
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It was stated at Manchester, last week, that strawberries from the Wisbech district had to be picked before 3 p.m or 4 p.m. in...
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, The opening of the first completed section of Rootes, Ltd.'s splendid new showrooms at Maidstone this week provided an...
Salford Watch Committee is to purchase a fire-engine, at an estimated cost of £2,000. York Corporation is to obtain tenders...
E CONOMY is practised by the Star Laundry Co., Ltd., of Hackney Downs, London, E.8, in the use of a Metrovick 18-22-cwt,...
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Which Possesses all the Essential Advantages and Avoids the Risks Involved in Financial Manipulations T HERE, is not an...
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PrHE fact that he had been to see the I Minister of Transport regarding the action of a dairy farm in taking their...
!THE meeting of the Yorkshire Joint 1 Conciliation Board, called for Monday, April 4, at Leeds, to consider the wages position,...
TENDERS ire invited by the following -I(latest dates given In parentheses):â Berkhamsted U.D.C. for broken granite,...
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T HE large number of batteryeIectrics to be seen on the streets of any city is a sure pointer to the increasing interest being...
Various characteristics determine the motor's power, but it is found that a speed of from 16 m.p.h. to 20 m.p.h. is sufficient...
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Itor Tackles BATTERYELECTRIC VIAINTENANCE PROBLEMS A LTHOUGH. it is hardly an exaggeration to state that the growing...
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G REAT play is being made over the decision of the Appeal Tribunal in the Blyth fish-transport case. It is clearly proving...
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T HE haulier wl.o is looking for some method whereby he can expand his business and justify applications for additional...
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I CLAIM to be an electric-vehicle enthusiast. It has always been my conviction that it would, in time. come to be appreciated...
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transport, the battery-electric has one distinct advantageâthat, owing to its reliability and freedom from breakdown, it...
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C E of the many advantages of electric vehicles for local delivery of milk, bread, groceries, etc., is the cheap running cost,...
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TAPERED, slotted and hardened, I like a tap, Shakeproof screws cut their own threads and can be driven into metal after merely...
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A MAKER with long experience in the construction of battery vehicles is Electricars, Ltd., Webb Lane, Hall Green, Birmingham,...
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T "growing and successful employment of the electric vehicle âfactors which are really largely interdependentâdemand two...
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The Economy of the Electric Veh icle ehicle Largely Depends Upon the Means for Charging the Battery HE efficiency of an...
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as much as £1,300 1 per year can be effected by the substitution of eight electric vehicles for 12 horses and carts is...
T HE Northern Scotland Traffic Commissioners, in Perth, last week, approved a new scheme by which, it was estimated, 1,000...
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Battery-electrics are Gaining GroundâWe Investigate the Present Position and Point to Lines Along which Further Development...
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and QUERIES SUCCESS OF ELECTRICS ON RETAIL COAL DELIVERY. [5314] I have been interested to note your estimates of operating...
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WHILST makers of the biggest VV vehicles employed in this country, in conjunction with steering-gear specialists, have tackled,...
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"READY TO SERVE 'THE COMMUNITY." That road transport would have to play an important part in times of national emergency was...
Scottish Carriers' and Haulage Contractors' Association, Glasgow, a meeting of A and B licence holders in Ayr and district was...
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Appreciation of the stimulus and help given to the agricultural industry by road transport was the keynote of much of the...
The Weights and Measures (Sand and Ballast) Regulations, 1938, were recently issued by H.M. Stationery Office, at 5d., and all...
at GM. U. A. Lunch " A LL LL operators of commercial motors should belong to the Commercial Motor Users' Association," said...
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SET UP SPECIAL COURTS. B EFORE the Lords' Committee on Road Accidents, last week, Lord Elton, representing the Road Accident...
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PASSENGER TRANSPORT AN OBJECTION TO DOUBLE-DECKERS PrHE introduction of double-deckers A to replace single-deckers belonging...
WHEN the Northern Scotland Traffic Commissioners met, at Dunfermline, on March 30, it was intimated that the business of...
S EVER AL operators of extended tours, with Llandudno as the main destination, had their excursions from that centre curtailed...
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A Napplication by Northampton Corporation for permission to deliver parcels just outside the borough boundary has been refused...
I INDER the chairmanship of Mx. E. J. Keam-George, the Booking Agents Association of Great Britain held a social in London,...
PRIVATE PARTY? . A T Liverpool Police Court, last week, Mr. Henry James Jones, of Allerton, was accused of having, on February...
" 'THE great bulk of people who I travel on these excursions and tours are elderly people and invalids, and if they cannot be...
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MO⢠obtain the rilvantages of a two pressure hydraulic braking system, without the complications of pressurecontrolled valves...