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consideration. That is, the influence of the lower limit upon the design of our vehicles. Overseas, British products in this...
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in. paper and printin g , the first post-war volume of annual reports by the Licensin g Authorities for Public Service Vehicles...
developed V V between central and local g overnment since the Socialist Party came to power, is to be been in the resolution...
Heat ." employing ice for keeping Insulator the milk in condition in its vans is using ordinary bodies. When undercoating was...
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T'HE man at the wheel of Britain's nationalized road transport, Major' General G. N. Russell, chairman of the Road Transport...
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I AST year, Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., sold 35,010 Bedford vehicles12,052 to the home market and 22,958 overseas. Exports of these...
B y the end of .Febntary the number of vehicles authorized under C licences or defence permits had risen to 605,301—an increase...
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MR. P. R. BLAKE, who has been associated with the B.E.T. group for 44 years, is retiring on June 30 from his appointment as...
A ' part of a policy of encouraging thi use of assembly plants overseas, tt meet the requirements of individua markets, Leyland...
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as for many years the company had made use of Regulation 15 of the Goods Vehicles (Licences and Prohibitions) Regulations,...
Western , Licensing 'Authority at Oldham, last week, it was alleged that a coach concerti had a " monopoly " of Continental...
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. D OAD t ransport executives and clerical workers may now apply for membership of the National Assocro tion of Local...
' O PPOSING a ' proposal by Scar borough Corporation to ban excursion coaches from the Esplanade area of the Yorkshire seaside...
Clayton Detsandre Co., Ltd.,. reports a net Profit of £57,940 in 1948. A final dividend of s per cent, is to be paid, making 12...
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'THE Lucas Report and transport rates. I for potatoes and grain are referred to in the annual report of Mr. J. Archer Tribe,...
Todmordeils rates are to be relieved from the motorbus fund to the extent of is. in the E. Mn. J. E. Woodfor of Manchester, 3,...
T EN coach chassis, five for Southdown Motor Services, Ltd.,' Brighton, and five - for George Ewer and Co., 'Ltd., London, arc...
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Receipts and Expenditure More Than Doubled. N early. 50 per cent. of Vehicles Owned by Big Companies. Maintenance Standards...
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A MONOrecent deliveries by Carrimore Six Wheelers, Ltd., North Finchley, London, N.12, is a mobile kitchen, Which, ” The...
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L AST week I outlined the plans for the creation of four new towns in the south of England at Stevenage, Harlow, Crawley and...
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RE OVERDUE Is Independent Springing the Answer ? By R. W. Bent, M.I.Mech.E. I N surveying the progress of commercial-vehicle...
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T HE Public Works Department of Vienne has recently taken delivery of a vehicle for testing high - tension electric power...
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THE crane shown in the accompany' ing illustration possesses a number of features which are distinctly novel in such a machine....
MULTI-FUNCTIONAL additives for IVIthe treatment of fuels and lubricating oils used in all types of internalcombustion engine...
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\TOUR report a the meeting of the Association of A Municipal Corporations says that municipal authorities have not given up...
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T 0 meet the needs of agricultural workers in the rural districts of Hampshire, the first of a number of mobile fish-and-chip...
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P URSUING a policy of specialization in light-alloy bodies, with either inbuilt refrigeration plant or insulated against...
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By L. J. COTTON, M.1.R.T.E. C ONSTRUCTION of the frame, suspension, transmission and other components of the A.E.C.-Mammoth...
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Decision Reserved on Hotly Contested Applications by 10 Yorkshire Trainers for 13 Licences for Horseboxes A FTER a...
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I WAS glad to learn that the Road Haulage Association is sponsoring grouping schemes for free hauliers. They will need...
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IbiTENDED mainly for farm use, a I new design of vehicle is shown in patent No. 613,092, by S. Opperman and Ganwiek Estates,...