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T HE Minister of Transport's announcement that he proposed to set up an inquiry into the licensing of road passenger services...
THE annual reports of companies are sometimes I uninteresting and unattractive, quite apart from the question of the financial...
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The tyre industry boasting of its non-dollar " blacks." That this refers to the special carbon powders used in tyres and not...
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BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT R EJECTING a call by the National Union of Mineworkers to return to work, 2,300 miners at three pits...
rt A SPECIAL meeting of the national council of the Road Haulage Association to consider the Transport Bill will be held at...
"s o far as we can see at the moment, the greatest danger to our trade is in the plan proposed for the return of 40,000 R.H.E....
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A S from next Friday (August 15), holders of A and B licences will be obliged to pay adult workers another 5s. a week and...
IN the year to June last, 20,607 new J. ancillary users came into existence and 53,490 more C-licence vehicles were introduced....
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MR. J. H. WELLS, managing director of Germ Lubricants, Ltd., has returned from a business tour to agents in ziarious parts of...
R EADABLE, lively historical IX accounts of the motor industry are the forte of Mr. St. John C. Nixon, whose latest volume, "...
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R OAD and -rail facilities at Ballymena have been concentrated by Ulster Transport Authority into a single terminal. Ballymena...
DomBAy will have one of the largest LP bus fleets in the world when, this year, 1,500 vehicles from Canada are added to the...
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1DRESENTING • its application for 1 higher fares to the North Western Licensing Authority, last Friday, Blackpool Corporation...
A STATISTICAL counter unit forming an addition to the company's roll-ticket register, has recently bee!' introduced by Setright...
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P ER MISSION to operate a service between Glasgow and Prestwick airport for Trans-Canada Airlines, Pan-American Airways and...
A N Order which has been laid before Parliament by the Minister of Labour and National Service and was published last week,...
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prove their efficiency By P. A. C. Brockington, A.M.I.Mech.E. Good Results Have Been, Obtained by Ziirich Transport...
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QOUTHPORT'S popular shore ser0 vice, operated along six miles of sand between Southport and Ainsdale by six Bedford four -...
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By E. H. B. Palmer, O.B.E. T HE Transport Act, 1947, gave evidence of so violent a bias as to make one believe that our...
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0 N hearing the story of Red Riding Hood for the first time, one little girl wept bitterly because the poor wolf got nothing...
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Austin 25-cwt. Chassis with Baico Extension Carries Neat Plaxton Body with all the Refinements of a Big Coach B Y employing an...
By a Barrister '11■4 "The Commercial Motor" on IN 11! discussed the old problem 11! discussed the old problem of the -...
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By Laurencf ton, M.I.R.T.E. A POLICEMAN controlling traffic in Wolverhampton took a second bewildered glance and pedestrians...
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Sought by N.G.T. in the Design of its Vehicles S EEKING continually to improve the efficiency and comfort of its vehicles,...
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Tables of Operating Costs have just been completed. It is hoped that the Tables will be on sale in the usual booklet form about...
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Q NE does not have to be .speciallytgifted with tlairvoyance to forecast that within the next 100 years overland transport will...
R EPRESENTATIVES of the catering industry should react strongly to criticisms of the " No Coaches" notices contained in the...
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nESIGNED by Bowyer Bros. (Congleton), Ltd., West Heath, Congleton, Cheshire, a new light-alloy section not only enables a...
WEIGHING only 4 tons 2 cwt., a VV Jensen 960-cubic-ft. van incorporating many innovations has recently been put into service by...
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Can Make Bigger Profits Hauliers Running Oil-engined Vehicles are Entitled to Take Full Advantage of their Better Competitive...
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I T is important that the nozzles of oil engine injectors be maintained in good condition, but owing to the small sizes of bore...