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We foresee grievous and immediate trouble for proprietors of motor omnibuses unless increasing vigilance is directed to the...
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Members and associates of the Society o Motor Omnibus Engineers arc requested to note that Dr. Ormandy's paper has been...
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British Competitors will be Welcomed by the Hungarian Club. From April ist to iryth the executive committee of the...
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Newsagents' and subscribers' orders for this journal are more than double those for all similar journals combined: in addition,...
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Few people, in these days of rush and hurry, find time to inquire into the origin of public passenger service vehicles. To the...
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At the meeting of Chelsea Borough Council, which was held on January 31st, the consideration was resumed of the report of the...
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A Boom in Sell-propelled Engines and Escapes for Fire Brigades. Three hundred and odd exhibitors, and the British industry...
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Interview with Mr. J. Allen Baker, M.P. The tramways department of the London County Council is managed by the highways...
Conducted by EDMUND DANGERFIELD. 7 - 15 Rosebery Avenue, London. E.C. I ona, New otreet. Birm ingham. Telephone*: 1616 & 932...
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The Management of Motor Omnibus Companies. The Editor, " THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. " Sir :—Referring to the letter signed " Motor...
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Fig. 7 represents a section of the worm-wheel by the plane CC situated on the side of BB opposite to -AA and at the same...
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The statement recently made in Roumanian papers, and reflected in a leading Liberal organ published in London, that a German...
According to " The Railway News," Mr. J. Yellow, chief rates clerk to the general manager of the Natal Government Railways,...
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Illustrating Some of the Difficulties by which Railway Carriers are Confronted. By Fred W. West.* The proper treatment of...
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Christmas Day in Edinburgh. W.A.N. ((ilasgow) writes us as follows :—" I send you an account of the work which I did on...
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LIQUID FUEL BURNER,—Shave.— No. 3,427, dated February 18th, 1905.— To prevent clogging of the burner means are provided for...