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E ARE glad that a "good Press" (as they say in political circles) has been enjoyed by the leading motor spirit distributors for...
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Are easy to read but less easy to write. That it may again be a case of "Steady, boys, steady." Many teeth still grinding...
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The Renault Desert Exploit. Two six-wheeled Renault machines, carrying six passengers each, have just succeeded in Crossing...
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E VERYONE knows that the question of correct and most suitable springing for commercial, vehicles under Iced is an important...
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W HEN ROAD an weather conditions conspire together, even the most careful driver may find himself and his lorry in difficult...
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T HE Balude non-skid wheel is designed to prevent wheelslip in agricultural tractors when travelling over very soft ground. The...
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I N THIS series of hints concerning the Ford light, chassis and ton truck wherever they are employed for commercial purposes,...
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I N the last issue of The Commercial Motor the reasons for the continued efforts to produce a coach body which shall provide a...
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A "Olc(I-ST tropical and semi-tropical plants that have been cultivated for decorative and other purposes, various species of...
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W HENEVER the tables of running costs are revised and republished, I always receive a number of letters criticising them_...
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T . THOSE who are fully acquainted with the march of events in the commercial-vehicle industry, oneof the most surprising...
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T HE report of the T.C.R.P. (La Societe des Transports en Commun de la Region Parisienne) for 1923 shows a loss of 86,036,124...
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I N the - course of the past few weeks I have been able to make a very careful study of the chassis 'Which are - offered by...
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The half-yearly report of the Rotherham Corporation transport department states that the cost figures show a general ail-round...
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JJ ARROGATE is a health resort which has as rivals the Continental 'spas; and, 'as foreign cimpetitien enters into the Matter...
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I T WILL be recalled that in our issue for November 15th we gave preliminary details of the formation of an association to -...
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I T FALLS to the lot of every owner of commercial vehicles at some time or other to see that the valves of the engine on his...
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123 Gross Ton-miles per Gallon of Petrol. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [2226] Sir,—The above remarkable world's record...
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How some Vehicles WHERE ARE a number of vehicles in 1 service at the present time which have passed out of the hands of one...
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468.—Renewing a Solex Throttle. It is not often that we deal in these columns with the maintenance and repair of carburetters,...
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S 0141E USEFUL ideas are embodied in a letter which we have received from " H.H.," of Highgate. Hand drilling, he says, can be...
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A Résumé' of Recently Published Patents. I T is surely a nove l . idea to endeavour to control the effectiveness of the brakes...