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R OAD haulage disposal is at the cross-roads. Apart from 4,000 vehicles in the parcels group. 2,000 contract-hire vehicles to...
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irT is not surprising that members of the Monopolies Commission were unable to reach unanimous conclusions on collective...
Original Claims Proved nN April 10, 1932, Mr. Frank A. Perkins, chairman and managing director of F. Perkins, Ltd., of...
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Of many who still have not seen a copy of the new Highway Code. That foreign competitors are eagerly awaiting the chance to...
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for Licence Suspension BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT T HE Yorkshire Licensing Authority on Tuesday reserved until yesterday his...
rONTROL of the services formerly %-sj operated by Hants and Sussex Motor Services, Ltd., has reverted to Mr. Basil Williams,...
W L commercial vehicles be subject to speed limits on motorways? L Beyond saying that there was an argument for allowing...
I would have me disregard letters altogether," commented the Western Licensing Authority, last week, when Mr. A. J. lames, 144...
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Second Reading Passed by 287-212 Votes:. Public Opinion Against Vehicle Tests• DEFENDING the Road Traffic Bill against...
A CUMBERLAND haulier, described ra by the police as a "pirate," was sentenced to three months' imprisonment and banned from...
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MR. B. H. T. ROWLEY has been appointed Midland manager of Auto Tyre Services, Ltd. MR. E. WATSON . RODGER. secretary, and...
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T HE Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis and the Ministry of Transport are studying the lessons to be learned from road...
A PPLIED research being conducted at the Birmingham centre of the Ford Motor Co., Ltd., will eventually determine the design of...
T o enable British Road Services to give quicker service to London customers, a number of local parcels collection vans has...
TIIE Transport Tribunal, in London, 1 on Tuesday, substantially upheld a decision of the Eastern Licensing Authority on an...
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THE Metropolitan Licensing Authority is to hear on July 18 the case of C. Bristow, Ltd., 123 Solebay Street. London, E,3. for...
C ONTINUATION of the fuel tax. higher costs and last summer's had weather were blamed by the chairman, Mr. R. P. Beddow, for...
S OCIALIST pressure for the cessation of disposal continued in the House of Commons last week. In answer to questions, Mr....
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T HE Labour Party on Monday night tabled a motion in the House of Commons demanding a speedy debate on monopolies. It is...
S UPPORTINCi an application by Mr. F. C. Smith, of Axford, Wilts, before the Western Licensing Authority, last week, Mr. L. H....
given in the House of Commons last Friday by Mr. Henry Brooke, Financial Secretary to the Treasury. "There is no intention on...
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Limited A FIER a series of " exhaustive" meetings, the Road Passenger and Transport Association had decided not to renew...
'INACCURATE and misleading 1 figures" published in Nottingham Transport Committee's report for 1953-4 are alleged by the...
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T HE Minister of Transport has rejected, with costs, an appeal by Mr. E. J. Mullcy (Mulley's Motorways) against the Eastern...
A PLEA for supporters of Wolver hampton Wanderers now living in Ellesmere Port who desired to see the " Wolves" play when...
THE institution of a comprehensive road haulage scheme for the nationwide delivery of fish is favoured by members of Hull Fish...
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The Present Method of Licensing Furniture . Vans is Well Tried and . Should Not be Replaced by One Based on Interior Space By...
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A N air pump having an output of approximately.3 cu. ft. per min. at 500 r.p.m. and capable of maintaining a pressure of 150...
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By • P. G. Tucker Austin Golden Jubilee Recalls Outstanding Commercial-vehicle Design Produced in 1913 I T was 50 years ago...
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for M.E.B. A rlv VERSATILE type of body has been developed by the transport department of the Midlands Electricity Board, in...
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by John F. Moon, A.M.I.R.T.E. The Latest Import from Germany is the Borgward Express Microbus : Seating for 12 Persons and...
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DRIMARILY intended to enable vehicles hemmed-in at the kerbside to be shifted bodily away from the pavement, Car-Stirs, new...
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'Y OUR report at June 24 concerning the Biggleswade 1 magistrates' decision not to convict a B-licence , holder of using an...
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Disposal Board and B.T.C. Disagree Over Sale of Meat Unit : R.H.A. Scheme for Companies Dismissed: B.R.S. to Keep 400 Rhil...
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All Restrictive Trading Agreements Regarded by Majority of Commission as Against Public Interest P ROPOSALS by the British...
MEW consolidated Public Service Vehicles (Equipment and Use) Regulations, incorporating amendments dealing with fuel for...
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Political Commentary By JANUS K EY passages in such a document as the latest annual report of the British Transport Commission...
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A OTHER 51 ex-British Road Services' vehicles (266k tons) have been licensed to Hacketts Haulage, Ltd., 229. Cross Lane,...
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IF the Birmingham Corporation Bill, I which sought authorization for the provision of free and concessionary travel on the...
Helecs Vehicles, Ltd., moved yesterday from Baker Street to 2 Manchester Square, London, W.I. A Volkswagen Microbus, driven by...
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Expert Advice for Hauliers Entering into Agreements with Customers : Contracts Should Cover Any Contingency Likely to Arise and...
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Red and White's Second Bid Succeeds : Yorkshire Operators Want New Scholars' Contract Rates T HE South Wales Licensing...
A FTER complaining to the Western Licensing Authority, last week, that he was working long hours and arriving late at market,...