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T HE question as to who is or is not a competent driver has arisen in connection with a case in which a man accompanying a...
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That Government forms are arch-wasters of paper. That they might be half the size if they were written in plain English that...
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TANK BOARD OF THE MINISTRY OF SUPPLY WE are glad to see that the Govern'IV rnent has awakened to the urgent need for the...
Matters Discussed R ESTRICTIONS on road transport IN, while non-essential fuel-use continues, group organisers functioning...
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One of the Several Trying Problems Involved in Agreement on a Countrywide Scale is Big Divergencies in Costs : Some Preliminary...
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connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be written on only one side of the paper. The right of abbreviation...
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N ONT SARAH, Shap, Beattock and Sanquhar, formidable hills with which most British road-transport men are acquainted, were...
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Sterling Work Carried Out by a Leading Scottish Association Which Has Materially Assisted in the Solution of a Difficult...
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T HE Minister of Transport has issued the Motor Vehicles (Gas Container) Provisional Regulations, 1940, dated May 15, 1940, at...
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The Linn, Now Being Handle, Has Both Wheels and Track, by I B.M.B. Engineering Co., Which 3eing Easily Brought into Service...
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Leyland Badger with Dapiry Gas Plant, Running on Compression-ignition Prin iple Using Standard Oil-injection System, in Service...
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MORE EMPLOYING WOMEN CONDUCTORS MEARLY every bus-operating con1 lIcern is either considering or is actually employing women...
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Demonstration of A .E.0 32 - seater with Enness Trailer Producer Creates Favourable Impression in the North A GOOD impression...
A MONGST the most successful of the light trailer pumps built for A.F.S. and other home-defence work are those manufactured by...