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P OSTERITY will remember Mr. Harold Watkinson as the Minister of Transport who, unlike his predecessors, took practical steps...
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r r HE Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Harold 1 Macmillan, speaking personally to The Commercial Motor, said last week that we...
What's Cooking in Other Kitchens? ] 'HOSE engaged in technical development soon learn to profit painfully by their own...
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"More haste, less speed." Yes, but more speed, less waste. Eleven-day fortnight; ?-day month; ?-day year. And what will the "...
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IN a reserved decision, last Friday, on applications by seven Scottish I hauliers for special A licences for vehicles purchased...
P RODUCTION of a 25-cwt. oiler for door-to-door delivery work is to start soon by a manufacturer established in the field of...
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F INES and costs totalling £189 15s. were imposed on two hauliers at Leeds City Court for offences concerning the misuse of an...
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MR. ALLAN G. KYI.E has resi g ned from the positions of chairman and mana g in g director of Jonas Woodhead, Ltd. MR. D. R....
national executive committee of the Road Haula g e Association accepted the principle of a section within the Association...
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T HE Transport Tribunal have reduced the extent of the grant of an A licence by the Eastern Licensing Authority to Mr. E. E....
T H ERE ERE were again few awards for men in the Queen's Birthday Honobrs, announced last week. Mr. R. P. Beddow, executive...
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po ROUSTS over final procedure were made at the end of a three-day hearing by the Northern Licensing • Authority, at...
A LIGHT van, with a choice of three air-cooled engines mounted amidships, has been introduced by Fairthorpe, Ltd., Chalfont...
A N application for a further "sub stantial increase" in pay for the 70,000 employees of municipal bus undertakings is now in...
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By Our Parliamentary Correspondent A FURTHER list of transport units would be issued in a matter, of days, Lord Selkirk,...
week the chairman of the North Western Licensing Authority, Mr. F. Williamson, said he would have to take legal advice before...
THE Road Haulage Disposal Board I. told The Commercial Motor on Wednesday that a final list of transport units would be issued...
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A HAULAGE firm's efforts to secure P - 1 a " half-way house" for their vehicles on the run between Liverpool and Glasgow, to...
r OOD weather last year raised both traffic and revenue of the Yorkshire Woollen District Transport Co., Ltd., Mr. Raymond W....
A CONFERENCE on dock delays r"L convened by the Road Haulage Association in London last week agreed to ask the Central Port...
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CRITICISM of the inadequacy of ‘•-• information offered to Licensing Authorities by applicants was made by Mr. Hubert Hull,...
AA N inquiry into allegations that a witness supporting a successful applicant had given false evidence was adjourned by the...
OANS to the group of Alfreton 1-4 haulage concerns under the directorship of E. E. Bamford figured in a case at Alfreton County...
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Traffic Losses Not So Great as Imagined : Television. Most Serious Threat : Future Largely Dependent on Lower Costs A HOPEFUL...
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By John F. Moon, A.M.T.R.T.E R ARELY does the opportunity to go to sleep on the job arise during a road test of a commercial...
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F ROM June 12-15, the people of Eastbourne will be forcibly reminded of their municipal cleansing service, as this period...
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A N example of the decisive influence which employees may exert on the selection of cleansing vehicles and on policy comes from...
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An Ingenious Sparshatt Body Solves the Problem of How to Keep Asphalt Hot on the Journey from the Mixing Plant to the Site...
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B EDFORD 25-30-cwt. and 3-ton models are now available with a Perkins P4 oil engine as an alternative to the four-cylindered 76...
B Y the extensive use of plastics for the cab and light alloy for the body, A. C. Penman, Ltd., Queensberry Motor Works,...
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Mechanized Accountancy, • Readily Affording Analysed Cost Figures, Aids Attainment of High Cleansing Standards : Streets are...
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By P. A. C. Brockington, I N the past 100 years the population of Birmingham has risen from 233,000 to nearly 1,120,000, and in...
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By Ashley Taylor, A.M.I.R.T.E. Unified Municipal Fleet Control in Gateshead Developed Since Early Days of War A NEW...
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T HE salvaging of useful materials for remanufacture has been intensified in recent years and, especially since 1939,...
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No Peace for Transport J UST when a period of tranquillity seemed to be in store for the transport industry, the Minister of...
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A NOVEL seating arrangement is used in 10 sitting-case ambulances based on Morris-Commercial LD01 oilengined chassis which...
F i"years ago Crow Carrying Co., Ltd., Harts Lane, Barking, opened their new workshop, thus completing the first stage of a...
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T HE receiver and manager of E. E. Bamford (Contractors), Ltd., Mansfield Road, Alfreton, is now selling the substantial fleet...
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T . HERE are many special conditions applying to the carriage of road materials which involve difficulties that should be...
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A N application by McVeigh Transirl• port, Ltd., Grimsby, for A licences for 12 articulated lorries and six other vehicles was...
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T HE use of small one-manbuses was no panacea for the ills afflicting rural services, Mr. J. S. Wills, chairman of B.E.T....