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CINE of the most enterprising and promising decisions of the commercial motor manufactur ing industry—one which can have...
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Some Subjects for Discussion. LSEWHERE in this issue we publish a brief pre liminary announcement of. the World Motor...
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That 'flue is fleeing. Of more anti-municipal growths. Of big orders for Sentinel rail-cars. Of good and bad transmission...
Bill, the big lorry driver, formerly a drayman, has had to go, for he has taken to drinking gin and has applied his recently,...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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For many years THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR has published, under the heading of Local Proceedings, 7 much exclusive inform-tion...
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The Road Vehicles Bill to be Seen in Draft. Smoke Emission Again! A Railway Inquiry Suggested. Delays in Providing for Future...
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I TN our report of the recent trials of cross-country vehieles tractors carried out by the Army over the Tank Corps test...
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Details of a Simple and Effective Fire-fighting Outfit Based on the Chevrolet. li r si TE have received from General Motors,...
"rt 'MING a recent visit to the ex tensive works of Leyland Motors, Ltd., we were very interested to note the large number of...
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After 1896 Steam for Long Reigned Supreme in the Heavier Categories, this Being Rendered Possible for Modern Road Transport by...
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Successful Application of the French Barbier Outfit to the Ford and Chevrolet. A NEW light model gas-producer, specially...
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The Outcome of a Long Series of Exper Designed to Carry Bulky Load Conducted with Multi-wheeled Vehicles Large Number of...
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Whilst in Half of the Motor Vehicles in the World the Epicyclic Train is Employed, the System is Understood by Few and Little...
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Continuing Our Summarized Analysis of the Latest Available Passenger Transport Returns of the Most Prominent Municipal...
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.A VERY good example of the manner in. which the . carrying capacity and loading space of a chassis of medium size can be used...
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A New Electric Tipping Wagon, Some Interesting Tools and Replacement Parts Were Among the Exhibits of Britain's Products. TN...
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Details of a New Power Unit Possessing Unusually Novel Features. I T might be thought by many that after all these years of...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. A SMALL HIGH-GRADE SALOON COACH. A Rea Pullman Vehicle with...
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A Southport Firm Who Build the Bodies of the Vehicles They Put Into Service. MEM illustration of a Reo Pallman saloon coach...
which Experiments are Being Conducted I on a French Railway System. --— — Il A N accompanying illustration depicts an...
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Helping the Commercial Traveller. A Little-developed Branch of the Haulier's Work. A SIGHT quite common at a railway station...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects ronnected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be on one side of...
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Facilitating Valve Push-rod Assembly on the Sentinel Engine. Avoiding Piston Distortion when Fitting Tight Gudgeon Pins....
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Interesting Contributions from Our Driver and Mechanic Readers. A Simple Method of Aligning Pistons. IV I TANY ways have been...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patent Specifications. riONSTANTINO CRIARA and Mrs. kJLina Criara, both Greek subjects, in...