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OR SOME considerable time it has unfortu nately been only too apparent that our manu facturers are not catering for what has...
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Blain broadcasting. . Via the aerial, the valve, and headphones, "Safety Fifit " and very *good propagandk Mr. Blain!' The...
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Institute of Transport Officers. Sir J. G: Brooclbank (Port of London Authority) has been elected president for the year...
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Schemes which have been carried out by the Lincoln Corporation in partial alleviation of local unemployment have already...
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F OR many classes of work the tipping wagon has proved of value, but, until now, its loads: have , been restricted to 5-6 tons....
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T HE TRACTOR-LORRY has made sufficient headway during the past year or two to warrant the assertion that it is now a recognized...
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wHEN ONE considers the big strides which the motor vehicle has made in municipal work it seems fairly safe to assert that at...
W E THINK that there can be . no _ question that the skilful work of the " Safety First" Council has had a material effect in...
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W E recently pointed out in these columns that there are very considerable advantages to be obtained by the use of...
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S INCE THE introduction of the Knox tractor and semi-trailer into this, country about ten . years ago, many designers have...
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I N FEW other spheres of activity does the. motor play a more important part than in the distribution of our evening papers'....
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T HE CHANGING of gears on pleasure cars presents difficulties enciiigh, but, on a heavy commercial motor, where the momentum of...
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lf, for any reason, the transmission gearing of the Ford has been dismantled it is important that it should be erected in the...
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.D URING the past few years the tremendous -demand for iced drinks has brought about a corresponding demand for special...
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T HE AVERAGE motorbus body in these days is designed and built to meet regular service requirements, and, in most cases, it ,...
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r TN ITED AUTOMOBILE SKR VICES, LTD.," whose head offices are. at Lowestoft, and whose motorbus ramifications extend to...
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W E MAY now (after, the interruption caused by my desire to utilize the space at my disposal in lasts . week's issue for...
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T HE OFFICIAL statistics relating to imports of commercial vehicles and tractors by the Netherlands East Indies in 1922 do not...
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Import Duty on Foreign Goods Chassis. The _Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. L2161] Sir,- - You are no doubt aware that the...
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A sessional meeting held jointly by the Royal Sanitary Institute and the Home Counties Branch of the Society of Medical...
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C ONTRIBUTIONS are invited for this page from fleet managers, drivers, garage foremen, and mechanics, works staff and...
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Useful Contributions from Our Driver and Mechanic Readers. F OLLC/WING the recent contribution from a steam-wagon driver cm...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patents. T HE INGENIOUS carburetter which , is described in specification No 190,4.32 by Louis...