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'THE bodyworks manager of Leyland Motors, Ltd., Mr. C. C. Bailey, M.I.Loco.E., M.I.P.E.. A.M.I.A.E., has written an article,...
IN response to queries A regarding overall tyre dimensions, referred to the S.M.M.T. by the Institute of Road Transport...
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Of aluminium-alloy keys, including Yale. That many heavy vehicles may eventually have all-rubber suspension. That recently...
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A T an extraordinary general meeting on November 25, shareholders of Leyland Motors, Ltd„ will be asked to sanction an increase...
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MR. STRAUSS GIVES GOVERNMENT'S VIEWS Tij E essence of the speech by Mr. . R. Strauss, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry...
APARTICULARLY interesting lead ing article on transport nationalization was published in 'The Financial Times" of November 2....
"F ROM my personal point of view, it is impossible to fix standard rates for the whole of the country," said Mr. 14. L....
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MR. G. A. WOODRUFF has resigned from the board of the Anti-Attrition Metal Co., Ltd. MR, A. J. HAYES has been appointed Dunlop...
" IN May last we tried the experiment of . introducing a five-day week, and . . . the added incentive of two clear days'...
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B OTH the railway companies and the Road Haula g e Association objected when a Leicestershire ex-Serviceman, on behalf of...
A LLEGATIONS of rate-cuttin g were r1.made before the Northern Licensin g Authority, at Keswick, when Messrs. Dover and Sons,...
C 1VIC heads of Oldham and Royton extended a warm welcome to the industry, last week, at the official openin g of the new...
Britannia Batteries, Ltd. has removed to Trafal g ar House, 9, Ltd., Newport Street, London, W.C.2. The Mercantile Credit...
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M OTOR manufacturers, sensing themselves to be on the brink of a new age in prime movers, but seeing few immediate advantages,...
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- Services Speed Car Production By C. W. Blythe, M.I.T.A., Transport Manager, The Rover Co., Ltd. D URING the years of war,...
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By Majo i NV 1;3 st iloddard, e G T HE improved position regarding supplies and reserves of oil, which the writer has mentioned...
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for a few feet I OMITTED in the two previous articles to state that the vehicles used by the operator who asked me to deal...
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A DENNIS reruse-collecting vehicle forming a recent delivery to Henley Rural District Council incorporates many practical...
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IN A BIG WAY T HERE cannot be many board-rooms where ,a director could say in solemn tones, "Let us buy some more battleships,"...
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to YOU! By A. E. Sherlock-Mesher H OW are the nerves? Pretty strong? Tik hai, take a ride with my Indian driver through...
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WHEN welding or other operations, WV which tend to produce harmful air conditions, are being conducted in confined spaces, some...
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D OAD-RA1L co-operation in transI% port and joint working of road services through bus owners' associations in India and South...
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A N application for the transfer of excursions and tours licences from King's Hall Motor Co., Ltd., Blackpool, to S. and J....
1 4 - , Traction Cu., Ltd., held a dinner in London in celebration of its jubilee. At this enjoyable function every guest...
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MANY SOLID-TYRED WHEELS ILLEGAL AFTER 1946 THE latest position regarding the use of solid tyres is that the appropriate...
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WHILST the use of disc brakes has, VV mostly, been confined to aircraft, the experience gained in this respect might usefully...