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Owners and drivers of all classes of self-propelled vehicles know the enormous losses to which the eommenitv is sekjected...
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That MuDiner's of Birmingham are building another " motor bank " for Farrow's. That the L.G.O.C. is about to test a...
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Colonel R. E. Crompton, C.B., consulting adviser to the Road Board, does not agree with us that it is expedient to press the...
general tone Ji your article, which I take it means that it would be a 400d thing if macadam were in a great many cases...
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A Visit to the Works of Messrs. S. Stevenson and Co., of Glasgow. While on a recent visit to Glasgow, one of our Editorie I...
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Philadelphia has had a reliability run for heavy vehicles, and this, it report be true, is the first organized affair of the...
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News contributions are invited: payment will be matte 9/1 Greater London s Passenger Transport. A weekly return, compiled...
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The authority, circulation and influence of this journal rest upon facts. This number starts Volume XII. The demand for a...
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Vienna's New Purchases. The Vienna authorities are experimenting with additonal self-propelled vehicles for the local fire...
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Now that the general adoption of the commercial motor in Australia is imminent, and that people are daily realizing the...
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still another scalp to its long list of trophies: on Saturday last, at Belle Vue, it was popularly acclaimed the winner of the...
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'The Motor Radiator Manufacturing Co., having arrived at such a stage of successful production that their ainethods of...
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Nctes contributions ore incitcd : pa y Iowa will bo mode on pithlicotio.o. More Mors. The fleet belonging to - Ff. and G....
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Death of Dr. Isidor Loewe through Blood-poisoning. Greheimer Kommerzienrat Dr. Isidor Loewe, head of the great firm of...
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"Flats ":on Front Tires. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. 11,2001 Sir,—In my capacity as manager of the Ill0t011Ilepartment...
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The efficient lubrication of all the internal parts of valves and cylinders which are used with steam at high pressures or with...
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY for the Best Communication Received, and One Penny a Line of ten words for any thing else published...