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W HAT is the true significance of the railway move, taking the form of an application to the National Wages Board for a...
TT is questionable whether goods-vehicle body builders have brought such science to bear on the problems of weight and strength...
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I N view of the large amount of criticism of the Salter Report, it is interesting to learn that a reply is being prepared, and...
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number of 8-in. by 6-in, cards, one of which is here reproduced in miniature. The impacts were measured by the American Society...
Of private motorists expressing doubts as to their future if the Salter Report be adopted. That it is logical to fear attacks...
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"The wheels of wealth wifl ,e stowed by alt difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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Financial Position of Salford's Undertaking. In order to meet the present financial situation, it is proposed that certain...
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The cleansing committee of Manchester Corporation is to purchase more vehicles, at a cost of 13,210, to replace horse-drawn...
BOLTON Corporation is to purchase a 2-3-ton lorry. PLYMOUTH Corporation is buying two Dennis gully emptiers costing £967...
A N unusual new road-making machine has recently made its appearance in Birmingham. It is believed that there are only two of...
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By Capt. E. H. B. PALMER, O.B.E. T HESE are days for calling a spade exactly what it is, and I offer no apology for a few...
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Under Service Conditions W E have had an opportunity for testing one of the latest Guy double-deck trolley-buses over two...
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Supporting the Associations. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [3927] Sir,—Further to our reeent letter respecting haulage...
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)N-RING MANUFACTURE M ANY people may regard piston rings as easily produced articles, but that idea would . quickly be...
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F OUR years ago the Rhodesian Railways commenced to run motor vehicles to supplement the railway services, and by supplying...
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T HE proceedings in Committee of the House of Commons on the . Loudon Passenger Transport Bill were extremely slow, there being...
The highways committee of Eastbourne Corporation is inviting tenders for the hire of lerries for a year. The Great Western...
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T HE industrial-vehicle section of the Brussels Salon, which opened on Saturday last, and closes on December 14, is by far the...
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MODERNIZING 20-SEATERS T HERE is a steady demand for the 20-seater 1 particularly in rural areas. When a fleet of small...
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IN PARLIAMENT By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent London Passenger Transport Bill : Committee Stage. T HEcontinued...
THREE cases arising out of charges of having defective tyres were disposed of recently in the Sheriff Court, at Hawick The...
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I T is announced by William Hurlock, Junr., Ltd., 55, Effra Road, London, the well-known purchaser of Government motor...
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HAULIER and CARRIER I T is necessary now to differentiate between large and small parcels and long and short distances over...
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JJ ALAGE business in connection TI with Christmas trade offers tdenty of scope as yet, and the loads, generally speaking, are...
1 - 1 - 1HE rapid progress in Northampton shire, since the first meeting of a branch of the Road Haulage Association in that...
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W HAT appears to be a very efficient front-wheel-driving arrangement is described in patent No. 382,677, by A. W. Herrington,...