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I N callin g attention once a g ain to the unhappy q uestion of employers' liability to ensure the keepin g of current records...
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Josepl pamuel Wright N O silver spoon was found in Sam Wright's mouth when he was born. A good many years were to pass,...
r"..00DS carried 'by a person engaged in a g riculture in any locality, for or in connection with the business of a g riculture...
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From our Political Correspondent NAR. MACLEOD, the Minister responIVI sible for the progress of Government business, is keeping...
S INCE the beginning of this year the B.M.C. 5.7-litre diesel engine, which was originally developed for B.M.C. 18-ton-gross...
THE committee of the Geneva Motor Show has decided that, as from 1963, its commercial-vehicle show will be held biennially. The...
T HE Ministry of Transport this week published its proposals for a general increase in the speed limit of goods vehicles from...
F OR the second time in six months a leading American vehicle manufacturing firm has announced that it is to fit Perkins diesel...
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B ROAD agreement was reached between British Road Services and the trade unions last week on the introduction of a productivity...
R EPRESENTATIVES of the P.T.A., the M.P.T.A., the P.V.O.A. and the S.R.P.T.A. met the Economic Secretary to the Treasury last...
I — % A NEW range of cross-country 4 x 4 vehicles is announced by Leyland Motors, Ltd. Based on current Leyland Comet...
-THE London (Woolwich) eliminating 1 round for the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition is to be held on July 22 at Woolwich...
THE Road Haulage Association is to seek support for a campaign to encourage the provision of communal dispatch points on...
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Mr. F. 3. Kemp, transport engineer of the British Oxygen Co., Ltd., has resigned to accept the appointment of distribution...
A A N application by Thornbury Transport, Ltd., of Berkeley, Glos., dealt with by Mr. S. W. Nelson, the Western Licensing...
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B ECAUSE of the extremely serious . 1 --/ losses of vehicle loads in and around London, operators . sending vehicles there are...
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A T a meeting of the inland transport committee of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe at Geneva, an agreement...
Nip. S. MEREDITH, a founder I VI member of the West Midland Area of the Road Haulage Association and past chairman of the...
F RESH impetus was given this week to the claims for higher pay for more than 200,000 of Britain's busmen which have been...
T HE following dates were announced at a meeting last week of the National Organizing Committee of the Lorry Driver of the Year...
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"I HAVE never heard such twaddle in I my life," commented Mr. John Hay, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport,...
D RAFTING of regulations governing the transport of radio-active materials by road is now at an advanced stage. Mr. John Hay,...
ri A PARTICULARLY interesting and original feature of the latest car conveyor in the range of Carveyor vehicles built by the...
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B Licence Modified on Appeal A LIMITED B licence was modified rA by the Transport Tribunal in London last week after they had...
A N appeal by a Gateshead haulage contractor against the refusal of the Northern Licensing Authority to vary his A licence by...
Gowland, said he was an old-established contractor, and at the time of the original application to the Licensing Authority was...
Q NCE again the Transport Tribunal has rejected the suggestion that because the evidence in an A licence application is limited...
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T HE Transport Tribunal has set aside a decision of the Northern Deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. G. W. Duncan, which enabled...
L EARNER drivers who have held more than seven provisional licences without taking a recent driving test may be refused a...
TN November last year the average 1 weekly output of commercial vehicles was 8,741. Commercial vehicle exports during the month...
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" T HE applicant has bitten off more than he can chew," said Mr. S. W. Nelson, the Western Licensing Authority at a public...
F OLLOWING the withdrawal of four vehicles which had been subcontracted to them, Bells Transport Services, Bradford, applied at...
A PPLICATIONS by Securicor 1-- 1 (Southern), Ltd., have been granted by the Metropolitan Licensing Authority, Mr. D. I. R....
H AULAGE firms may soon be compelled to transport perishable foodstuffs in insulated containers, the Deputy Scottish Licensing...
COMET CRANE CHASSIS: Lambert Engineering Co. (Glasgow), Ltd., have ordered 50 Leyland Comet short-wheelbase chassis for use as...
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W HEN Reading Transport Department applied to extend one of their routes before the South Eastern Traffic Commissioners in...
B RITISH bus operators have recently ordered Leyland chassis to a total value of over £1 m. One of the two largest orders, that...
1 - 1. terminal which would operate at the British end of the proposed Channel Tunnel is on display at Charing Cross...
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A L L you need is a driving licence and an ability to tie hitches, and the world is your oyster. A world, that is, of tarmac...
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To Banbury came I. 0 profane one! Where I saw a Purim:re-one Hanging of his cat on Monday, For killing of a mouse-on Sunday....
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T HE idea of some of his buses or lorries being unnecessarily wasteful of fuel would horrify most operators, yet wastage due to...
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QHOWN here are typical fuel consumption loops for a diesel engine in the 10-litre class. The curves which look rather like...
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IN straightforward applications for 1 new A or B licences, or requests to add vehicles by way of variation, the precept that...
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Q NLY a few days previously, Mr. D. I. R. Muir, the Metropolitan Licensing Authority, dealing with a similar case (though this...
B ECAUSE of possible ambiguity in the wording of applications in "Notices and Proceedings" regarding season tickets for...
I ONG, abnormal and indivisible 1-4 loads are in the news again. Sunter Brothers, Ltd., of Northallerton, lost an appeal...
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Special 15-ton dual-purpose vehicles are being used by Associated British Maltsters to expand the delivery of malt over a wide...
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TWO items in the January 19 issue of The Commercial I Motor provoke comment which I hope you may find of interest. The first...
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A CRANE suitable for mounting on commercial-vehicle chassis with load capacity of at least eight tons is now available from...
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TWO substantial tipper applications appear in this week's North Western "As and Ds." The first is an application by J. Bacon...
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summonses brought by the Ministry of Transport against the managing director of a Taunton firm of removal contractors and two...
A NEW inter-European agreement on r - k the transporting of easily perishable foodstuffs has been presented for ratification by...
A POLICE appeal against a decision of the Totnes (Devon) magistrates last August dismissing three summonses against Reed and...
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The very ubiquity of the modern motorcar can belie the problems inherent in fleet operation T HE provision of cars for...
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I N existing suspension systems, a wheel meeting with an obstruction is forced upwards by the impact and, due to its inertia,...
fuel feed to an engine, a filter unit farms the subject of patent No. 878,851. It is transparent and is fitted with a...
ON TRAILING ARMS P ATENT Na. 881,196 I shows a heavy-duty bogie in which the suspension comprises airbags guided by trailing...
A FOUR-STROKE injection type I — I engine is shown in patent No.. 879,081, the novelty residing in the layout of the combustion...