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Every indication points more and more towards a gradual development of businesses whose main object is the provision of vans,...
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Conducted by EDMUND DANGER FIELD. Editor ; F. SEIRAPNELL SMITH. Manager: ERNEST FERMAN, 7-15, Rosebery Avenue, London, E.C....
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Some Interesting Figures and Tests with a New Form of Rapid Steam Generator In spite of the many attempts, on the part of...
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We are glad to learn that the New Arrol-Johnston buses are passing the police at each inspection. We understand that the...
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The Wolseley-Siddeley omnibus, equipped with the Thomson-Houston system of petrol-electric transmission, which commenced an...
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This journal fosters, represents, and chronicles commercial motoring in all its branches ; it has the largest and best...
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I see that Mr. Hollis is terminating his connection with Messrs. Smith, Parfrey and Co., Ltd. He always struck me as being a...
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Splendid Result of a Combined Effort in Design. The Swansea Corporation has recently taken delivery of a unique motor...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be on one side of...
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Order, dated 30th December, 1907, made by the Secretary of Slate in pursuance of the Metropolitan Public Carriage Act, 1869 (32...
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Jointing Material. " E.J.II." (Chepstow) writes :—" I am writing with reference to a letter from R.O.,' which appeared in your...
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TIRES.—Midgley.—No. 13,141, dated (under Convention) 11th September, 1R06. —A series of helices (H) are embedded in the tread...