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Users of commercial vehicles have but little occasion to be perturbed in regard to the imminent penalising of armoured tires,...
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A form of tender and specification has been issued, after due advertisement, in this and other journals, by the London County...
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The managers of the motorpost line Kochel-Walchensee Mittenwald have found it necessary to increase their rolling stock....
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A Selected Collection of Extracts from the British and Foreign Press. The Latest Thing in Trials. Wilmington, Del., May day's...
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Acceleration Tests. The Royal Automobile Club hopes to be able to carry out the acceleration tests, at Brooklands, in August....
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This journal has an exclusive, genuine and maintained circulation: members of its Editorial staff have practical experience and...
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The prospectus of the Electric Taxicab Company, Limited, with an authorised capital of £3 00 , 000 , divided into 300,000...
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Mr. II. G. Burford, NEEMech.E,, managing director of Milnes-Daimter, • Limited, has taken a trip over to France, in order to...
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Representative Systems in Use on Modern Petrol-driven Machines. We published an article on " Lubricants and Lubrication for...
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By Henry Sturrney. The pneumatic tire for goods wagons and other vehicles carrying dead loads is not a practical proposition,...
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The Editor invites corresPondoice on all subjects connected with the use of conzmercial nt3tors. Letters hould be . on one...
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Ten Shillings Weekly for the Best Communication Received, and One Penny a Line of ten words for anything else published....
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Selected Information which is likely to be of Interest to Makers, Owners, and their Buyers. Manufacturer's Name Wanted....
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LUBRICATOR.—Panhard and Levassor.—No. 2,334/1908, dated (under Convention) 25th March, 1907.—According to this invention the...