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Irr HE stability of the long-suffering road trans ' port industry has again been upset by the most recent additions to the...
IT seems that the experiments of the General Post Office with mobile post offices are proving successful, and the few built are...
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Of dis-spirited suppliers of alternative fuels. That America has helped to pour oil on troubled quarters. That an appropriate...
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IT has been computed that the wages I paid annually in connection with the handling of materials reaches the £300.000,000 mark....
giving evidence before the Transport .Tribunal, London Transport's tra•ffie receipts at Whitsun Were 4 per cent, lower than...
A NEW fluid coupling designed' on standard principles but filled with a metallic powder and graphite in place of oil, is being...
Association of Vehicle Builders recently interviewed the Financial Secretary to the Treasury on the subject of purchase tax on...
THE ballot for stand positions at the Commercial Motor Show, to be held at Earls Court from September 22-30, started yesterday...
the "See Your City" bus tour which Leeds Corporation introduced at Whitsuntide as an attraction on the Monday and Tuesday. For...
H AULIERS, including representatives I I. of many small undertakings, were due to meet in Newcastle-on-Tyne yesterday to...
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D URING the 12 months to March last, the number of C-licence vehicles rOse by 12.8 per cent. Two months ago there were 691,328...
E 1GHT applications have been made . 1 -4 to the Northern Licensing Authority for sanction to increase fares. Mr. James....
A LL the business sessions at the Road Haulage Association's annual conference, to bc held at Scarborough from September 20-22,...
S IXTEEN more haulage undertakings have been acquired by the Road Haulage Executive. The following 11 transfers took place...
I N a statement last Saturday, Mr. Geoffrey Lloyd, M.P.. who was at one time in charge of the Petroleum Warfare Department,...
B ECAUSE a special report on Cardiff Corporation transport undertaking Would cause "a good deal of public anxiety" and " upset...
B ECAUSE of protests by coach operators and intervention by Members of Parliament, the French Ministry of Transport has relaxed...
A MAGNETIC device for picking up riiron and steel from the road is being made in the U.S.A. One State using the device picks up...
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• MR. H. E. STYLES has been appointed superintendent of laboratories of London Transport. MR. J. M. BOYD has been appointed...
F OLLOWING a request by the British Agricultural Contractors' Association, the agricultural lime. department of the Ministry of...
H OLLAND'S haulage industry is pre'dominantly one of small operators. On March 1 there were 9.477 hauliers. who owned 22,110...
structure of Coventry Corporation transport department have been proposed. These wouldtend to increase fares so that the...
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R ETURNING from a business trip to the Middle East, Mr. C. E. Harrington, managing director of Thomas Harrington, Ltd., Hove,...
A NEW facility for holidaymakers in London, whereby five day-trips to east and south-east coastal resorts may be made in a week...
O N June 1. the first day permitted by the new regulations, the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., placed in...
T HE next sitting of the Appeal Tribunal will be from Junt 13-15 at Halifax House, Strand. London, W.C2. On June 13-14, Hay's...
A BOLITION of fuel rationing will not make it easier for coach operators to obtain licences to run tours. Each case will...
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P RESENTING the report of the national council of the National Association of Tyre Specialists last week, Mr. A.E. Batt, the...
A WORK of reference for travellers rAin Scotland. "The Scottish Omnibus Annual, 1950," gives comprehensive information about...
P ROD UCTIQN of a new series of 5-ton and 7-ton goods vehicles is now beginning at the nationalized Renault factories in...
Application has been made by Hull Corporation for, permission to increase fares on 32 services The British Transport Commission...
C OMPLA1NTS that some of their employees work after • hours for other concerns in the trade will be voiced by bodybuilders at...
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D ETAILS of the Nuffield version of the American Jeep, -which, have just been announced, reveal that it has a four-cylindered...
D ELIVER1ES are now being made of L./new all-metal van bodies manufactured by Spurling Motor Bodies, Ltd., The Hyde, London,...
A . DRAFT ordinance to set up a / -- 1 transport • management board, to control Durban's transport system on behalf of the...
fortnight's .holiday with pay, stricter control of prices and profits, equal pay for women and increased pay for apprentices...
THIS year's bodywork drawing and 1 handicraft competitions produced some interesting entries in the bus and utility vehicle...
F ACTORY-TYPE hand-operated conveyors carry cups under the tea urns in two mobile,Snack bars made by Russell's Farm Products,...
nUR1NG the next few weeks, Trent - Li Motor Traction Co., Ltd., is putting into service 30 new buses and is having new bodies...
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What Will be the Effect of the End of Fuel Rationing on Applicaf ions'. for Contract A Licences and on the Enforcement of the...
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T HE Mechanical Handling Exhibition, which opened on Tuesday and closes on June 17, gives visitors the opportunity of...
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VE A FOURFOLD fly A. E. Sherlock-Mesher, F.R.S.A. returned that a full-scale scientific investigation into methods of handling...
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Hauliers are Warned of the Devices Employed by the Milk Marketing Board to Force Down Rates. Complete Records of Costs are the...
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a General Staff Says Frederick Smith, M.Inst.T., Making an Interim Survey of Transport Nationalization at the Annual...
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By Alan Smith Cut Turn round Time H OW far the practice of carrying goods on pallets is applicable to road • transport is a...
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I T has been generally agreed that the reduction or .elimination of friction between the leaves of a road spring is desirable...