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hat with a 40 m.p.h. speed limit and the proposed increases in future is more promising for public service vehicle operators,...
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I N case my readers did not hear, there was an international ski-jumping event held at London's Wembley Stadium last week. In...
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Starts in Northern Area BY NORMAN H. TILSLEY H AULIERS who operate their vehicles in the Northern traffic area, and...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT ONDON TRANSPORT renewed last 1.-.1 week its attempt to get union agreement to the...
From our Industrial Correspondent I - 1 NOTHER haulage wage claim is about to be presented by the unions to the Road Haulage...
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From our Parliamentary Correspondent A N attempt to delete the provision that d ivers should be disqualified automatic lly...
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T HE Dumfries-based haulage company, Road Services (Caledonian), Ltd., faced charges involving a total of 187 alleged offences...
r' N ECISION was reserved by the Nortl Western Licensing Authority on an application by Bolton Roadways, Ltd., of Bolton, for...
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C ALIFORNIA'S Motor Vehicle Pollution Control Board got down to the serious testing of exhaust fume control devices early last...
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I N a reserved decision, the West Mid lands Licensing Authority, Mr. John Else, last week granted five A-licensed vehicles to...
A.E.C.s FOR URUGUAY: Horacio Torrendell, S.A., A.E.C. distributors in Uruguay, have ordered four A.E.C. • Mandator, two A.E.C....
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"A LTHOUGH I have thought it necest 3, sary to draw attention to the trials and tribulations of the bus industry, my confidence...
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THE claim that J. and A. Smith of Maddiston, Ltd., Falkirk, were taking business from them, was made by British Road Services...
SSOCIATED Commercial Vehicles. Ltd., have acquired a substantial shareholding in N.V. Auto-Industrie Verheul, the distributor...
From our Parliamentary Correspondent TIA LKS aimed at cutting the road transport costs of exporters of heavy electrical plant...
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E IRE'S transport undertaking, C.I.E., is getting out of the red and may soon be paying its way without State aid. Dr. C. E....
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O NE operator talking about another wham he knew well and liked said that in spite of this his friend was not the kind of man...
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R EFUSE disposal, refuse collection and street cleansing were the three subjects in a symposium of papers, under the broad...
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TEST results provided by E.R.F., Ltd., Sandbach, relative to their 88.R eight-wheeled maximum-load petrol-engined tanker...
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A NEW Matbro, Ltd„ tractor shovel, the Series 11 Mastiff featuring an ingenious system of centre-point steering and numerous...
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4.— X A PORTABLE hydraulic tube bender intended primarily for copper tube has been added to their "Staffa" range by...
abrasive sponge marketed by Finishing Aids and Tools, Ltd., Chandos House, Buckingham Gate, London, S.W.!, makes it flexible...
has been made by Docker Brothers, Ladywood, Birmingham, 16, in the introduction of " Dokacolor." The process consists of two or...
to be fitted permanently to each tyre on a vehicle in place of the' valve cap are now distributed in the U.K. by Eric H....
Numerals, Goldanger House. Goldanger, Essex. use a new method of construction. Plastic digits are fixed by high frequency...
of the Raaco industrial cabinets, available from James H. Randall and Son, Ltd., Paddington Green Works, London, W.2, is a...
exhaust smoke is now produced under licence from Robert Bosch, by Dunedin Engineering Co., Ltd., Mortimer Street, London, W.I....
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A LTHOUGH the most interesting aspects of the Austin show at Longbridge this week relate to detail bodywork features, there is...
A DEMONSTRATION of the sort of PA pictures the television camera could provide for the bus operator of his main operation...
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Contract A Switches to Fore in All Areas C ONTR ACT A switches are again to the fore in all areas, with the occasional trader...
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A NEW 110 ft. x 133 ft. transit shed iThin the modern manner and materials —prefabricated reidorced concrete clad with...
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Limiting Responsibility Whilst Ownership Permits Complete Control of Vehicle . Operation, Contract Hire can Offer Greater...
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I AM a regular reader of The Commercial Motor. How I is it that you haven't had an article about the Midland Red double -...
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A TORQUE converter, which can be r - k made completely inoperative is the object of an improved design shown in patent No....