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T HE employment of motor vehicles and appliances by the municipalities of this country can now be looked upon as one of the...
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T N some quarters it is recommended that vehicles I should be suspended from use in cases of serious road offences being...
Luton has successfully replaced trams by buses. Page 122, S.T.R. gives reasons for increasing municipal haulage rates. Page...
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That the keynote of most dangerous driving is selfishness. That any road vehicle is unsuited to modern needs when its presence...
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by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it...
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EASTBOURNE Corporation is buying six Leyland 53-seater buses. PLYMOUTH Corporation is buying four Karrier 3-ton refuse...
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IN PARLIAMENT By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent PRIORITY LISTS OF WEAK BRIDGES. A N inquiry was made by Capt....
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M UNICIPAL enterprise in the provision of passenger-transport facilities continues to present many features of interest. The...
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_sECTOR of TO-MORROW Body Designs That Make for Rapid and Dustless Loading and Easy Discharge. What the Future is Likely to...
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in Rc ND-MATERIAL HAULAGE T HE paragraph entitled "Tenders of Interest to Hauliers," which, at this time of the year, forms a...
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I N Most of our prominent cities the street-cleansing and refuse-collection departments are merged, so that it is possible to...
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L AST week Luton Corporation completed its first two years of motorbus operation. Luton was one of the first municipal...
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in a LEADING PORT Southampton Corporation's Refuse-collection System in the Melting Pot. A Possibility of the More Extensive...
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TROLLEYBUS CURRENT be Reduced? Y EARS of really hard spadework have been put into the development of the trolleybus, both by...
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in MOTORIZATION Interesting Facts and Figures Concerning the Refuse Collecting, Street Cleansing, Fire-fighting and Ambulance...
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'THE cleansing superintendent of the Metropolitan Borough of Islington, Mr. F. E. Browning, expresses his views on the...
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In the Manchester Area ? Over £10,000,000 is Involved in the Proposal to Form a Joint Municipal Passenger Transport Board in...
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T HE obvious attractive features of the battery-electric vehicle, combined with the minimizing of its inherent limitations,...
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How Some 30,000 Bins and Ash Pits, and About 4,200 Gullies are Emptied in the Metropolitan Borough of Fulham by a Fleet of...
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Our Annual Compilation, Based Upon Official Returns, Giving Details of the Composition of the Motorbus and Trolleybus Fleets of...
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A STEADY flow of inquiries concerning the operation of the licensing section of the Road and Rail Traffic Act continues to...
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G ATESHEAD, that old-established and esentially industrial town of 122,500 population, situated on the southern bank of the...
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■ S Abridged Specifications A Unique List of the Mobile Appliances on the British Market Which Are Designed and Built to Serve...
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Aspects of PASSENGER TRANSPORT NEW PRE-BOOKED PARTY LICENSING SCHEME EVOLVED Yorkshire Operators Frame Important Amendments...
Important Points Raised in Case Against Four Bus Companies THREE days were occupied, last 1 week, in the hearing of the appeal...
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THREE DAYS' SITTING OF ARBITRATION TRIBUNAL. O N. Monday last, the London Passenger Transport Arbitration Tribunal heard a...
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research work carried out by the Research and Standardization Committee of the Institution of Automobile Engineers, with the...
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1933, an article appeared calling attention to the urgent need for municipal aerodromes to provide the necessary link between...
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A Resum6 of Recently Published Patent Specifications M EANS by which hydraulic brakes may be kept in' the "on" position when...