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MPROVEMENTS are constantly being em bodied in the design of commercial vehicles, in respect of their chassis and bodies, in the...
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T HE recent plea of The Commercial Motor for an overhaul of the existing machinery for the variation of coach fares has already...
VUE have often pointed out to sugar-beet hauliers II' that they waste their own time by queueing up at the sugar factories_...
A Thornycroft 74-8-ton maximum-load four-wheeler and a new oil erigine have been produced. Page 400. Much interest attaches...
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Of inadequate road lighting, which is almost as dangerous as complete darkness. Of railway "half-day" excursions, at...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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The Ministry of Transport returns Of persons killed or injured in road accidents during the week ended October 27, 1934, shOw...
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A successful meeting of hauliers was held at Newport, Isle of Wight, on Saturday last, when the organizing officer of the Road...
Representatives of the Scottish Milk Marketing Board and of the milk' haulage and milk-distributing businesses met in Glasgow...
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to form a subarea of the Road Haulage Association at High Wycombe, a further meeting was held on Monday last, when a committee...
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Metal-fra.meti bodies of single and double-deck passenger vehicles will be an important feature of the Leyland programme for...
T HE monthly return issued by the Ministry of Transport giving the number of motor vehicles registered for the first time under...
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STRONG POSITION OF IMPERIAL AIRWAYS. T HE 10th annual report of Imperial Airways, Ltd., the 6-per-cent. dividend, and, above...
I N the past year or more we have referred several times to the fact that D. Napier and Son, Ltd., London, W.3, had secured a...
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-a 7 - 3. 8 - Ion Chassis and an Oil Engine L OW in weight and in price, the new Trusty maximum-load fourwheeler, which has...
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Railways Successful in Barr Appeals, Gaining a Total of £26 13s. Costs O N Tuesday last the Appeal Tribunal agave its decisions...
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A FTER considerable experience in the behaviour ot oil engines in passenger and goods chassis, the directors of Dennis Bros.,...
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I N a week's time the latest edition of the Albion-Ricardo oil engine will be seen on stand 71 at the Scottish Motor Show. This...
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a Perkins-engined Oiler A NEW chassis recently added to the ft commercial-vehicle range of Halley Motors, Ltd., Yoker,...
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0 NE of the surest general signs of the importance and popularity of road mechanical transport throughout the world, to-day, is...
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0 N Friday next, November 16, at 10 a.m., the Scottish Motor Show, which will include an important commercial-vehicle section,...
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A NUMBER of interesting light commercial vehicles in the three-wheeled class is being exhibited at the Bicycle and Motor Cycle...
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A NEW DORMAN OIL ENGINE A LTHOUGH, in the main, oilengine design has reached a stage where the principles involved in almost...
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T WO new models have recently been added to the range of vehicles marketed by the International Harvester Co. of Great Britain,...
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T HREE forward-control models comprise the range of new batteryelectric vehicles being produced for 1935 by Victor Electrics,...
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The Edttor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [4417] Sir,—You were good enough to publish a letter from me a few weeks ago wherein I...
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Ti E Bendix-Cowdrey four-wheel brake testers manufactured by Bendix. Ltd., Tyseley, Birmingham, have achieved such success that...
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D URING the past few months a L./further " ally of industry " has been taking shape in the Crossens works of the Vulcan Motor...
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PASSENGER TRANSPORT INITIAL steps to overhaul and speed lup the machinery for dealing with variations in fares were taken at a...
Details of Proposed Financial Agreements Revealed IMPORTANT new developments have !taken place in the transport situation at...
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TILLING CASE CONCLUDED AFTER 31 DAYS' HEARING. T HE hearing of the claim of Thomas Tilling, Ltd., for compensation for the...
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O N Monday last the London Passenger Transport Arbitration Tribunal commenced to hear a group of claims by independent...
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I N upholding the appeal of the Biriningham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., against the East Midland Traffic...
rOR some time, railway authorities have been interested in the possibilities of converting the ordinary bus engine and...
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NEW TROJANS A S briefly announced in our issue dated October 26, Trojan, Ltd., Purley Way, Croydon, has recently introduced...
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In Parliament THE 30 M.P.H. SPEED LIMIT. S EVERAL members having expressed a desire for the immediate application of the 30...
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HAULIER and CARRIER T HAT was a most interesting letter from Mr. Donaldson Wright which was published in the issue of The...
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F ROM Fodens, Ltd., R. W. Whittle and E. Twemlow, all of Elworth Works, Sandbach, Cheshire, comes patent No. 416,987 describing...