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S AID the spider to the fly G overnmen t " Walk into my parldur," and this is, in effect, the Speakers Are Inviting Hauliers to...
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Motorways Would IT was claimed recently by Save Much Time and IMr. M. Clark-Hall, of the Money B.R.F., that the use of a system...
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0 Of hopes of fairly early supplies of natural rubber from Malaya. Of those who would like to see the Government, not...
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LICENSING OF CLEARING HOUSES? D RAFT proposals for the licensing of clearing houses have been drawn up by the appropriate...
A T a Press Conference held last Friday, Mr. Alfred Barnes, Minister of War Transport, announced the opening of a new national...
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T H E E road transport committee of Chamber of Commerce supports the memorandum of the British Electrical and Allied...
will solve many problems for drivers who have to stay overnight in the Sheffield district was formally opened, last Saturday,...
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MR. W. SEMPLE, service superinten, dent of Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., was elected a city councillor in the recent municipal...
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E QUIPMENT for converting Fordson wheeled tractors L–Ato the track-laying type is one of the specialities of Roadless Traction...
O N November 1, the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., opened a new spare-parts depot at Woodlands Road, Bristol, 1, to provide...
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The Concluding Instalment of Our Account of a Road Tour in the British Zone of Germany as Part of an M.O.W.T..Delegation A...
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T HE machine which forms the subject of the accompanying illustrations—the Atom tractor—possesses certain features which serve...
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The Haulier's Part in House Building A Big Demand Should Arise for Hauliers' Services in Connection with the Prolonged...
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Indirect-injection Six -cylindered Oil Engine Gives Excellent All-round Performance. Severe Weather Conditions Make Two-stage...
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T " Opinion that all prospective drivers of motorbuses, trolleybuses and tramcars should undergo tests for colour-blindness was...
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A Réwnil of Patent Specifications that Have Recently Been Published A N improved brake-drum assembly is shown in patent No....