Financial News of the Industry
Page 55

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Henry Caton and Co, (1935), Ltd.—Private company. Reg, April 3. Cap. £20,000 in £1 shares. Manufacturers and dealers in component parts of motor vehicles, engines, etc. Directors; 11. F. P. Caton, 77. KenilwOrth Road, Coventry; Florence Caton, of same address. Secretary, ff. tr. P. Caton. Beg. office: Britannia Works, Paynes Lane, Coventry. .
Youngs Express Deliveries, Ltd.—Private company. Reg. April S. Cap. 410,000 in 41 shares. Carriers Of geode, 10Cd[itTlft-9. etc. Directors: J, L. Young, 4, Gordon Street, Paisley; R. W. Young, 63, Causeyaide Street, PabileY; j. R. Young, 42, Outside, Paisley; R., L, Young, 106, Liartanore Road, Paisley. Reg. office: 4, Gerden Street, Paisley.
T. and H. Akers, Ltd—Private company. Reg. March 30. Cap. 41,000 in 41 shares. Haulage contractors, carriers, etc. Directors:— T. Akers, 128, Honey Lane, Waltham Ahbey; H. Akers, 87, Abbey Road, Waltham Cross. Secrettry:—H. Akers, Reg. office:—Alexandra Road Garage, Waltham Cross, 4. B. Milburn, Ltd..-Private company. Reg. March 31, Cap. £5,000 in .£1 shares. To acquire business of J. B. Milburn, Ltd. (1915), Manufacturers of cycles, motorcycles, cabs, buses, coaches. eta. threetars:-1'. W. Jackson, 45a, Wordsworth Street, Penrith: W. J. Milburn. Briar Cottage, Penrith. Solleitons:—Cant and Fairer, Penri•th. F. H. Wills, Ltd.—Private. company. Reg: March 31, Cap. 45,000; 2.000 5 per cent. awn. pref. and 3,000 ord. 41 shares. To acquire bUsiness of R. D. Shephard and T. Grimes, furniture removers, deposi tory proprietors, etc. Directors7.—P. Stephard; R. D. Shepherd.pigEores, Dartford; K. Shepherd; T. Grimes, 3, Clarendon Park,
Grimwatle's Transport. Ltd.—Private company. Reg. April 1. Cap. 41,000 in £1 ehares. General carriers of passengers and goods. Directers:—N, F. Grimwaele, Sunnyeroft, New Arterial Road, Rayleigh, Essex; Joyce Grintwatie, same address. Solicitors:—IL J. Jefieries and Co., 31. Alexandra Street, Southend. Reg. oface:—Srinn.ycrolt, New Arterial Road, Rayleigh, Essex. W. W, Fawoett, Ltd.—Private company. Reg. April 1. Cap. 45,000 in £1 shares. Builders and timber merchants, building and haulage contractors „ etc. Subseribers:—W, W, Fawcett, 157, Machin Bank, Sheffield, 7; C. A. Elliott, 12, Paradise Square, Sheffield, Solicitors:— Slater and Elliott, 12, Paradise Seuiss.a, Sheffield. Matthews of Hairshain, Ltd.—Private company. Reg. April 1. Cap. £2,000, 1,500 arch and 500 6 per cent. pref. £1 shares. To acquire busthess of A. N. Matthews, milk transporter and general haulage contractor. Subeeribers:—A. bf. Matthews and R. Matthews, both of 34,
North Street. Hailsham, .
Motor Securities, Ltd—Private company, Reg. April 2. Cap. 45,000 in £1 shares. To buy, hire or 401 private cars, taxis, coaches, lorries, etc. Stibeeribers:-.41. Swann, Arnwood, Flag Fen, Peterborough; I); 8. Spires, Mill House, Maxey, Peterborough. Secretary:—A. Sutcliffe. Queen Street Chambers, Peterborough. FL Seuthern and Co., Ltd.—Private company. Reg. April 2. Cap. 45,000 M. 41 shares, Garage proprietors, manufacturers and rePaArana of private cars, buses, lorries, iron founders and steelmakers, etc.
Directors;—F, W. Southern, 84, Crowtrees Lane. Rastrick, Brighouse; ▪ Stray, 86, Crop:trees Late, Raatrick, Brighouse; A, Shaw, Windridge,
Guiseley, Leeds. Solicitons:—...T. S. and P. Walsh, Vince'S Chambers, Victoria Square, Leeds. Reg. office:—Birds Royd, Itastrick, Brighouse. Automobile Sales Servicing Facilities (Sutton), Ltd.—Private company. Reg. April 2. Cap. 45,000 in 41 shares. Manufacturers, repairers and dealers. In private cars, commercial vehicles, etc. Subscribers:—S. Teeee and D. H. Goddard, both at 2/, Lime Street, London, E.0.3. Solicitors:— Nave Beck and Kirby, 21, Lime Street, London, £.0.3. D, Blades and Cc., Ltd.—Private company. Reg. April 2. Cap. 4750 In 41 shares. To acquire business of Douglas Blades, haulage contractor. Directors:—.D. Blades, 32, Francis Street, Burnley; E. Berry, 39, Evelyn S treet, Bnraley; Blades, 59, Francis Street, Buamley. Shropshire Waggon Works (1936), Ltd—Public company. Reg. April 2. Nem. cap. 4140,000, 300,000 6 per cent. cum, pref. of Ss., 500,000 ord. chases of 2s. To acquire lousiness of Sentinel Wa.ggair Works, Ltd., manufacturers of commercial veide,lea, steam, electric. petroland other engines, etc. Directors:—Rt. Hon. Lord Selsdon, 20, rasa-0am Square, London, W.1; S. E. Alley (managleg.), Mat House, Irucrt:ngdon; N. IN. Duthie, 142, St. Vincent Street. Glasgow. Solid-, torc—Bargrove and Co., 8. Iddesleigh House, London, S.W.1.
A. Hamson and Son, Ltd., Rosemount, Brirsyerth.—Nora. cap. increased by .415,000 beyond -rep. cap. of 45,000. E. L. Adams and CO. (Motors), Ltd., Rom•aines Garage, Loudon Road, North Chem.—Nom. cap_ increased by £750 beyond seg, cap. of 4500.
Burdens Transport, Ltd.—Satisfaction in full on March 25, 1936, of debentures math. Sept, 28, 1928, and reg. Oct. 6, 1928, securing 4500. Bennetts Haulage Warehousing and Wharfage Ca., Ltd.—Satz/ action in full on Feb. 11, 1936, of mortgage dated Feb. 17, 1925, and reg. Feb. 19, 1925. Reg. of mortgages shows that mortgage reg. Feb. 19. 1925, secured 46,048 and further advances.
British Timken, Ltd—In 7935 the net profit amounted to .461,122, which comp-ales with 449,569 in 1934. Taxation reserve receivea 413,500 anti general reserve 425,000, and it is proposed to pay a dividend of 10 per cent, on the 250,000 ordinary chores, which will absorb 419,375, leaving 420,652 to be carried forward, as against 417,405 brought into the accounts. MoNamara and Co. (1921), Ltd,—In 1935 this company made a profit of 453,177, contrasted with £37,607 in 1934. General reserve as allotted £2,119, whilst £10,000 le tramterred from the profit and lose account to the dividend equalization reserve, 28,307 is reserved for income tax and a final dividend of le. (tax free) is recommended. making la. 6(1. for the year. The amount to be carried forward is 413,563, compared with 423,499 brought into the accounts.