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I T is of the utmost importance that the commercialvehicle industry should be strongly represented in every sphere where it is...
W HEN suitable vehicles have been chosen, adequate maintenance arranged, and good drivers selected, there remains a most...
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in duce and Glass . in creasing use of trailers Small Trailers . . behind private cars, the East Midlands Licensing Authority...
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the automatic dismissal of licence applications on proof being given that suitable alternative transport facilities exist, is...
The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, on a carriage is by the...
E MPHATIC protests were recently made by Mr. W. Chamberlain, North-Western Licensing Authority, against the present methods of...
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The application made by the Associates Committee of the British Road Federation, on behalf of a number of constituent bodies,...
MR. R. B. STOCKDALE, Of Motor Carriers, Ltd., Liverpool, has been reelected chairman of the road transport section of Liverpool...
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That an operator who cuts rates and makes difficulties for his fellowoperators should not really be allowed a licence was the...
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Oldham Corporation is buying 12 Leyland oil-engined buses. Unites Corporation is to obtain tenders for the RIPPLY of a...
Cheap Fuel. Grunert Vehicle Plant which Generates Gas from Wood Direct A N accompanying illustration shows a Ford V-8 car,...
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THE prospect that internal air lines I. will be licensed, which The Commercial Motor has referred to ever since 1933, is more...
• 1-1, A s from April 1, Commercial Air Hire, Ltd., reopened the service ' - which it started last summer between Croydon and...
( - NNE of Great Britain's best charter 1--/pilots, Capt. William Ledlie, has started his own company, Personal Airways, Ltd.,...
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MOVE TO STABILIZE SAND RATES. After a lengthy discussion, during which widespread apathy was apparent, an open meeting of...
TNTERESTING comments on the ipresent position of the road-transport industry were made at an open meeting of the C.M,U A. in...
C OMPETITION from bus operators who were said to make a business of carrying parcels on their stage services, and a railway...
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in Parliament (By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent.) DETAILED ACCIDENT STATISTICS. T HE Minister of Transport...
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A S a general rule, it is preferable to ignore anonymous communications. There are, of course, exceptions to every rule and I...
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motor vehicles is in connection with the harvesting of lettuce on a 1,400-acre estate near Yuma, Arizona, U.S.A. It is stated...
I N January, 1935, the manageinent of the Cia Minera Aguilar, of northern Argentine, met to consider an unusual problem. For a...
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Legislation Forcing the Small Men to the Wall. How Two Great Organizations Operate IN the main, the American road...
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T HE accident statistics for the year 1935 make depressing reading, the total number of people killed and injured on the roads...
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The Anthony Steel Tipping Body is of Welded Construction and is made from a Special Alloy. Light Weight and Adequate Strength...
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Drives Honest Traders to Subterfuge in an Effort to Preserve Their Livelihoods A Body of "Artful Dodgers"? A REGRETTABLE...
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T O impart velocity to a vehicle and to abstract velocity from it, elaborate and ingenious mechanisms are required. It would be...
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A DECISION of the greatest import ti to all who use motorcars in connection with their businesses, and particulaily to...
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Recent Developments in Tools Include a Two - step Drill, Improved Design of Reamer and a New Cutter and Hob Fain. Nitrided...
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T HAT they were" nothing more than a mad rush through, the country, and could not be regarded as sightseeing tours," was the...
A T a sitting of the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners at Dewsbury, last Friday, Messrs. Edwin Box and Sons, of Dewsbury, applied...
T WO avenues of advertising which remain unexplored were mentioned by Mr. J. B, Hewitson, of the Thames Valley Traction Co.,...
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S INCE the London Passenger Transport Arbitration Tribunal was established in September, 1938, it has issued 80 awards, orders...
T HE annual dinner of the Institute of Transport, held at the Connaught Rooms, London was well attended, there being over 550...
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UERIES THE PROBLEMS OF POTATO AND BRICK HAULAGE. (47841 In . your issue of March 20, you publish an article by S,T.R. which I...
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An Interesting Appliance for Undertaking Some of the Special Duties Performed by the London Fire Brigade S UCH is the...
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NEW COI/ PANICS. . Henry Caton and Co, (1935), Ltd.—Private company. Reg, April 3. Cap. £20,000 in £1 shares. Manufacturers...
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D ESIGNED by a concern with long experience of gear manufacture, a four-speed gearbox is described in patent No. 443,301, by...