Our "Campaign Comforts 'p Fund.
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More Woollen Gifts Urgently Wanted—Cash to Buy Gloves Better Than Gifts of Heterogeneous Pairs—Consignments Going to the Front Regularly.
Ladies Committee: Mrs. Shrapnell-Smith, Mrs. S. S. Long (wife of the Director of S. and T.), Mrs. Dagnall,-Wild (wife of a former Sec. M.T.C.), Mrs. W. E. Donohue (wife of the C.I.M.T.), and Mrs. H. N. Foster (wife of the D.A.D.T.)
We desire to ask for maintained activity in the supply of woollen comforts for the drivers and their mates of the A.S.C. (Mechanical Transport Columns). We are particularly desirous to receive scarves, helmets (with openings for the ears), and cardigans. New, discarded, or mended sweaters or underwear will also be welcomed, whilst any of our readers who happen to have by them discarded or partly-worn macintosh capes or waterproof coats can also be assured that these will be received with the deepest thanks by the men for whom we are concerned.
The following gifts in kind were received during last week—the 30th ult. to 5th inst. inclusive. The list is not so long as we should like to have seen it, but we are for that very reason increasingly indebted to the ladies and gentlemen whose names follow :
Gifts in Kind—(30th November-5th December).
Miss Black, Berwick (1 dozen pairs socks, 4 helmets, 2 sweaters, 1 waistroat, 3 scarves, 4 body belts, 2 pairs
mittens, 2 pairs-cuffs, I box cigarettes).
Brameo, Ltd. (12 mufflers). J. F. Briggs, Markinch (1 pair gloves, 1 helmet). Mrs. E. Brough, Liverpool (1 vest, 1 sweater, 1 shirt, I pair gloves, 1 pair mittens, 1 pair pants). "D. T.," Belfast (2 sweaters, 4 pairs pants). Mrs. T. Fairclough, Liverpool (1 sweater, 1 pair gloves, 1 pair mittens). H. Gadsdon and Sons, London (288 boxes boracic oint ment). Mrs. H. Haggas, Keighley (2 cardigans, 2 helmets, 1 scarf, 2 pairs mittens). Mrs. Hardy, Bishop's Waltham (8 pairs gloves). Mr. Herbert F. Harries, Shrewsbury (46 pairs gloves). Miss A. M. Houghton, Manchester (2 scarves, 6 pairs mittens). Herbert tipdman, Weston-super-Mare (5 pairs gloves). Miss Little, London (1 sweater, 2 scarves, 2 pairs mittens).
" M. A.," Wallington (1 body belt). W. T. Mander, Ripley (1 sweater, 1 pair gloves).
Mrs. Mayen, Woodford (5 pairs socks, 8 body. belts,
5 pairs mittens, 6 scarves, 10 cards buttons). Clifford Muspratt, London (5 pairs gloves). Mrs. IL Perry, Holywood (4 pairs pants, 2 body belts, 2 cests'.
Miss Sykes, Cleckheaton (19 body belts, 3 scarves, 6 eard!ga W. Thompson, Birmingham (1 sweater). Anonymous (1 pair socks, 1 scarf).
. We again give the complete list of donations in cash, this time to the 5th inst. We have to thank Joseph Lucas, Ltd., of Birmingham, for a very kind promise of another £5 5s. if we care to ask for it later on, and we shall certainly ask for that further sum when our lists enter upon the records which concern the second thousand pounds.
Another gratifying letter conies from the Shrewsbury and Challiner Tyre Co., Ltd., from which we quote : " It gives us great pleasure to note the success which has attended your indefatigable efforts, which cannot help but be of extreme benefit to our mechanical transport drivers throughout the campaign in -which they are engaged." Again, from Mr. Alan H. Scammell "1 have been meaning to forward a cheque to you for this Fund every day for the last two or three weeks, but my time is now so fully occupied that the matter escaped my attention day after day. I now send £3 3s."
We acknowledge with special gratification the furc20 ther assistance from Clayton and Co., Ltd. Union Works 'Huddersfield, which company mantifactures the well-known " Karrier ' cars for Commerce." This company, additional to its earlier donation of £10 10s., has now, in conjunction with its employees, made a further contribution, which appears in our list under " Works and depot collections," of no less than £15.
It will be observed that we do not reprint the individual subscriptions of less than 55. Subscriptions of the kind which have reached us since we adopted that rule have been : H. Matthews and F. Dexter, Northampton, 4s. ;li. Adams, Sonning, W. Allcroft, Shipley, a Driver of " Shell " Motor Transport, Shrewsbury, and W. Wilson 2s. 6d. each. Those amounts are included in the total figure which we give in this category.
Donations in Cash (to the 5th inst.), £761.
£50 r N.CIL—The Angio-Ammicrin OH Co., Ltd. :Proprietora of " Pratt's " Motor Spirit); The As:odic Petrakurn Co., Ltd. (Pro
plieters of Shell" Motor Spirit); Daimler Co., Ltd. .. 110 0 0
ast. EAcm. Feder's, Ltd.; Leyland Motors, 1.t;r1. — Et) 0 0 121 EACIL—Commercial Cale, Ltd.; Halley s Industrial Motors,
ltd. 42 0 0
£ 10 10e. EACII.—Belsize Motors, Ltd.; Clayton and Co. (Hudder.sfield), Ltd.; Proprietors el T//11 COMMERCIAL MOTOR (Era donatiom: Dennis Bros. (1913), Ltd.; J. and E. Hall, Ltd.; Lame Mar, Car Co., Ltd.; Mandalay Meter Ca., Ltd.; McCord Lorry Manufacturing Oa, Ltd.; Star Engineering Co., Ltd.; John I.
Thornycroft and Ca, Ltd.; Walker Etros. {Wigan), Ltd. .. .. 115 10 0
£10.—Dunlop Rubber Co.., Ltd. 10 0 55 50. EACH.—Aater Engineering Co. (1113), Ltd.; British Automobile Traction Co., Ltd.; The Editor of TIM COMMERCIAL MoTen; The Coventry Motor Fittings Co.; W. R. Deakin, Ltd.; Wigan; The Crosville Motor en., Ltd., Cheater; Mn, A. Whalen Duns, Headley; Miss Ellis, Alderibam; Mrs..A. Freeman-Cowen, Chosleywood; T. M. Fairclough and Sons, Ltd., London; E Hyde, Croyde, N. Devon; Miss Laura Johnson, London; Joseph Lucas, Ltd., Birmingham; Chas. xitacint.pdi and CO., Ltd.; Mann, CIOS8, man and Paulin, Ltd. London; North British Rubber Co., Ltd.; St. Helens Cable and Rubber Co., Ltd,; Shrewsbury and Challiner Tyre Co., Ltd.Thormts Tilling, Ltd.; Valvoline Oil Co., Liver. Tool; W. H. Willcox and Co., Ltd.; S. Wolf and Gs., Ltd.;
John Yarwood, West Kensington .. 120 15 0
▪ EACEI.—}A Beardsley, Glasgow; British Berna Motor Larrie, Ltd.; Liverpool Vesta Cake Cu.; D. McNeil Sharp, Halley Works, leoker, Glasgow; S. Stevenson and Co., Glasgow; " Wellssisher " (Derbyshire); Mrs. Eduitiod Wood. Aldershot; Weed-Milne, Ltd. 40 0 0 '£3 3.s. EACH—Mrs, L. A. Guthrie, Davidenna Mains; G. Scammell
and Nephew, Ltd., London .. • . 6 0 0 £3 EACH--Mrs. Coward, Crowthorne, Berke.; White and Co., Ltd., Southampton
10s.—A. Dongtia-s Mackonnie, woithios 2 Is 0 £ 2 2s. EACH.--11. Ashworth and Sons, Tiattn, Lancs.; Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd.; Auborn and Heaviside, ltd., 13atterseat Barclay, Perkins and Co., Ltd.., London; James Bartle and Co., London; Dromrnond Bre8. Ltd., Rycie's Hill. Guildford; H. G. Dunn and Sous, Ltd., Beromley, Kent; The Faetern Motor Wagon Ca, Ltd., London; East Surrey Traction Co., Ltd., Re:gate; " The Extractor." THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR: Thomas Feast, London; French's Garage and Motor Works, Ltd., Bathers; J. R. Herbertson and Co., Glasgow; W. J. Iden, London; Loughboron* Road Car Co., Ltd.; National Steam Oar Co., Ltd.; Foliar s Dye Works, Perth; R. C. Reynolds, Manchester; E. W. Rudd, Ltd., Poplar, E.; Mrs, Tetley Reynolds, Bradford; Mrs. Shrapnel/Smith; Southern Transport Co., Ltd.. Brighton; F. Tboneaby {Managing Threeter, Car and General Insurance Corporation, Ltd.); C. Vans and Sens, Ltd., Sunderland; G. W. Watson London; White and Poppe, Ltd.; W. H. Witless, Lon
don: )e.y.z. Transport, Ltd., London .. 58 16 0
£2 EACH.—C, W. Almond, Burnham; Mrs. G. B. Cede]) Edin
burgh; A. Duckharn and Co., Ltd., Millwall; Hoyt Metal Ca. of Great Britain, Ltd., London; ottto (second contribution); Mrs. Liddon, Wimbledon; C. M. Rice, York; D. IL Simpson, Bury,
▪ 4s.—Mrs, E. Fledgea, Tipper Slaughter, tiles .. 1 4 0 .£1 Is. Enca.—H. Andrew and Co., Ltd., Plymouth; R. Arnold, Cardiff; " Anonymous,' Edinburgh; Ashemburst, Williams and Co., Ltd.. Dublin; Mrs. C. A. Bailey, Dundalk; Bennetts {Nottingharnl, Ltd.: rt. D. Blackburn and Sons, Clitherce; Fredk. G. Bristow, London; Bryson Bros., Ltd., Glasgow; Meese Bros., Ltd., Limerick: John Colyer and Co., Aldershot; C. C. Cook, Bond Street, .131,; Coxes. Lock Milling Co., Ltd., Weybridg,e; R. Crabtree, Lancaster; Crave and Sons, Ltd., Liverpool; Granficlal Bros., Ltd., Ipswich; J. Dowding and Sons. Chippenbam; Dass-ner and Co., Southampton; Edison Steam Roiling Co., Ltd., Dorchester; Joseph F.dgey, Seabarn Harbour; Arthur Gammas', Ltd., Chatham; II. Gosney, Stannington: Grace and Sutcliffe, Ltd., Keighiey; J. Greases and Son, Birmingham; Mrs, Gre.as-es, Harrogate; Albert Harness, London; J. Hashun, Slieffie/d; J. I. Hewitt, Southport; W. and J. Honey, Holsworthy; India Rubber, Gutta Percha and Telrgraph Works, Ltd.; G. King, Epsom (s,econd contribution); Lanarkshire Motor Co., Glasgow; S. W. Luxford, Surbitsn; Miss B. Magin, Chester; Maidstone and District Motor Services, Ltd.; Midland Rubber Co. Ltd.; James R. Randall, London; John Sarld aid Sena. Lta., Makloa; 3.1n. L. C.
Our Campaign Comforts Fund—con.
Scot Slcirving. Wokingham; Suoteher and Sons, • Ltd., Birmingham; Stonabridge Park Engineering Co., London; Stroud Brewery Co., Ltd.; Sutton and Co., London; Miss Tinne, Liverpool; James Toulmin, Ashby-de.la-7-ouch; Mrs. Noel Villiers, Wooler, North umberland; H. Viney and td., Preston,Webb and Wilson, Andover; T. Wild and Co. Co.,iWigan.), Ltd., Wigan ; Arthur W. Windsor, Assistant Editor, "CM.W. H. Wrighton, New Bond Street, W.; Venal-18.1 and Cork Back Co., Ltd. EACH.—." Alpha "; W. K. Benedict Broadbent, Lindley; F. W. Brookinan, Rochdale; Miss Carter, Slough; C. Chapman, Ltd., Grassiregton; T. Constantine, Leeds; J. Fishwick, Leyland; Joseph G. Ford and Son, Wokingbam; Mrs. N. G. Hall, Harrogate; Haynes Bros. Ltd., Maidstone; G. King, Epsom; Mrs. F. W. B, Landon, London' E. Longden, Long Eaton; J. Ludlam, Fulham; Miss .1. V. Mellor London; Win. Moore Runcorn• ditto, ditto (second donation;; C. IL Perryman, London; It. HI Prior-Wanderforde, Castlecomer,• Mrs. J. L. Randall, Midhurst; Leo. Swain, Manchester; Miss I. J. Strong, Perth; H. Timson and Sons, Leicsster; G. Toynbee, Hove; Wearing and Co., Dariven ticl. Each—Woe. Arnold and Sons, Paddock Wood; A. G. Bailey, Ashford; E. Percy ReavSR, Peckham; J. and P. Bevan, Swansea; J. L. Bowon and Son, Ltd., Swansea; L. Brown and Sons, Newbury; C. J. Chivers and Son, Newbury; A. Crane, London; James Gm Day, London; Henry T. Dew, Ashford; John Easthain and Sons, Bury, Lancs..; A. E. Faithful, London; J. Fisk and Son, Ltd. St Albano; Fleet Laundry, . Alb Hampstead; Gardner, Locket and Hinton, Ltd., London; Gas Meter Co., Ltd., London; Glen Rosa Laundry. Co,, Ltd,, Leytonstone; John Humphr:es, heading; K.T. and Engineering Co., Dartford; D. Morgan, Ferndale; W. R. Poynter, Newcastle-on-Tyne; W. G. H. Pelerin, Golders Green; Mrs. Salmon; Western Motor Works, Cbislehumt 10s, EACH.—" Anonymous : Beaks and Co., Newmarket; .A. T. Bourne, Tiarrogate; 1Vtiss Boyd, Greenock; J. F. Briggs, Markinch; Mrs. J. M. Brown, London; H. Chapman, London; Edwin Chester, Nottingham; E. Cole, Tottenham; G. R. Dean, London; Devon Trading Co., Ltd., Eiieter; Chas. .T. Even, Fivessham; G. R. Forfitt, Jarvis Brook; Mrs. H. L. Hamilton White, Dynichurch ; H. Hamp and dons, Northampton; A.1.7A. T. E. Harrison, Cowfold : A. H. Ilaseldene, Cardiff; Win. Hind, Aberdeen; James Hunt, Rovwich; Allen Knight, Linthwaite; G. F. Lovell and -Co., Newport, Mon.; Mica B. Magin, Chester (second contribution); Mrs. H. J. :Mame, London; R. Reed, Yarns; F. S. Smith, Shipstomon-Stour; The Mines Soper, Horncastle; R. Stubbs and Son, Wut -Hartlepool; G. and R. Walton, Hamsterley Colliery: West Grinstead Motor Cycle Club; Voiding fdanufac
15 0 9
7s. 8d.—W, H. Berwicic, Bradford 0 7 a :5s. EAcn.–Mrs. T. Adair, Belfast; "Anonymous," Brighton; Miss Aitken, Edinburgh; Samuel Barnes, Hayward's Heath; Thos. Bond, Cborley; Boyer and Co., Leicester; H. Bradshaw, Sandbort ; D. Cottingham aid Sons, Horsham; G. H. Cox. Old Bilton; R. Dodd, Bath ; J. Evans, Stoke Newington; Fr. Field, Luton ; Wm. Garrett, East Links; F. Gibien, Folkestone; J. H. Meld, FIghgate; W. H. Jones, Lyndhurst; Miss Little, London; W. 0. Lobjoit, J.P., linen-slew; R. Miles, Andover; "Nan," Belfast; Mrs. I. Newton. Hookwood; 0. W. Outhwaite, Roxbury; E. W. Palmer; T. C. Reaveley, Newcastle-on-Tyne; A. Valentine,'Well• ingborough; J. and A, Vogt. Liverpool; " Wellwisher," New Brighton, rine.shire; John B. Whyte, Altos .. 7 0 0 WORKS AND DEPOT (X• +LLECTIONS —Clayton and Co. (Huddersfield), and Staff, 415; James Bartle and Co., London (to end. November), ,e5 7s. 7d.; Aldershot and District Traction Co., Ltd. (one month), ce2 45.; The Motormen of J. Magee Marshall and Co., Ltd., Bolton, 48. Gd.; A. H. Ilazeldene, Cardiff (three collections from Argyll mates), 10.5. Id.; Eniployees of Leughbormigh Road Car Co.,Ltd., rs.; "A Few Chauffsur.s," Total (to Saturday last) £261 33
The Honorary Auditors to the Fund are Messrs. E. Bishop and Co., Chartered Accountants, 106, yermyn Street, Si. yames's, London, W.
Our Renewed Thanks.
Tn thanking each and every supporter of our Fund, we desire once more to put on record our deep appreciation of the manner in which they have recognized the claims of the men with the wagons. We are confident that we have a good case, and we know that we are capable of administering the Fund in proper -fashion, especially with the valued help and co-operation of the Ladies Committee. We do not desire to press people who believe that they are already doing enough in other directions, but we at the same time fail to see how any individual manufacturer or user can be covering exactly the same ground—even in relation to his own men—that we are, having regard to the specific assistance of which we are assured from the officers connnanding the various columns in France and Belgium. We should like to see a corner made, especially at works depots, for THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR " Campaign Comforts" Fund, and not least of all because the gifts are forwarded,•not in our own name only, but in the names of all donors to the Fund. Each case of comforts contains copies of the list of cash donations to date, and it is therefore made clear to everybody concerned that, whilst THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR is responsible for the organization and administration of the Fund, the gifts themselves are derived from a very large and representative list of those at home who have not forgotten the A.S.C.,
M.T., as an important section of the British Army. A lady contributor writes : " I fear the 'A.S.°. men are overlooked, not being in the firing line." We are striving to avoid that reproach, and to let the men see that many at home do remember them with kindly regard.
54 12 0 Regular Consignments Going out.
Steady progress has again to be reported in that branch of the Fund's activities which is engaged in SO industriously spending the money which, with equal assiduity, is being collected by the other and perhaps more important part of the organization. A consider 25 0 a able further number piof batches of woollen comforts has been carefully selected, packed and despatched to supply columns, and, as we write, the seals are being placed by the Excise Officers on the final large consignments of tobacco, by virtue of which the Fund will have sent to nearly 12,000 men with the A.S.C., M.T., a substantial gift of good-class tobacco or cigarettes. We are also taking steps that those officers
who have so willingly proffered their services to render the distribution arrangements which we have made thoroughly effective shall not be forgotten. Further large numbers of gloves are on order for early delivery into our stores, and immediately these are received they will be hurried out to "the men with the cold hands," Automatic lighters of approved kind have been acquired in some number and are, at present, being distributed in suitable quantities.
An Informative lAtter Front an Invalided A.S.C.
No. 12 Ward, 3rd London Military Hospital, Royal Patriotic Schools, 'Wandsworth, S.W.
Sir,—Having been an active service with the 63rd M.T., A.S.C., since the war began I have not had the pleasure of seeing a " C.M." until to-day. It was with great pleasure. that I havefirst read of your appeal on behalf of the M.T. men at the Front. The gifts which your readers are providing are just the things the men are badly in need of. When I came away on the 12th ult. we were using old socks for gloves. The weather is freezing cold there, and the drivers and their mates :.suffer much discomfort. through the lack of)gloves. + I should like to suggest that, if possible, you should also try and include in your gifts a patent pipe and cigarette lighter, as matches are almost unobtainable and the French matches are vile things that stink -and flutter and succumb to the lightest breeze. [We have the question of such supplies in hand.—ED.] The men of the A.S.C., M.T., will be pleased to hear that they are at last being recognized by the. public in the way of' gifts. It has been their lot to take up to the Front gifts for nearly every regiment one could mention, but the M.T., always seemed -to be forgotten.
They have, done some magnificent work out there, too. T. Atkins has been well fed, clothed and transported when wounded, all with thc„help of the A.S.C., M.T. The majority of the drivers (including myself) are L.G.O.C. busmen, and they have maintained a service out there very nearly as good :as they run at home, which sneaks volumes, -as the cars are never in dock, or overhauled. ..
It is very trying work driving at the Front. Most of the roads have about 10 ft. of hard road in the centre, Each side of this Is soft, boggy ground, so you can just imagine the excitement (and bad language), when, perhaps, one column meets another, and it becomes necessary to pass each other. That is how I came to meet with my accident, a badly--crushed foot. Again thanking van for your endeavours on