Control of Motorbuses.
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It seems evident that propoeels will soon be made enabling highway authorities to have more control over traffic.
A sub-coramitee of the Northamptonshire "County Council, which has been considering the avhole question of the making of by-laws with regard to the overcrowding of omnibuses and the running of omnibuses, reports that with regard to the questiensef mak;na by-laws to prevent overcrowding, the Minister of Transport had expressed the opinion that in the present state of transport services, it would be unwise to contemplate the imposition of restrictive by-laws, but when the traffic facilities improve the county council should renew its application.
It is hoped that the Government will shortly be able to give effect to resolutions passed at the last meeting of the county council, that further power should , be granted to local authorities with regard to the control of motoreomnibus traffic, and also that they should be able to compel motorbus owners to contribute towards the cost of road maintenance.
The presentrpositien is that while it is open to any private. personstosinstitute a motor'oninibus Tseryice: without iParlia3-limitary sanction or control, and.without the supervision of any local:governing body, yet such public bodies as 'borough, councils, which have obtained Parliamentary powers:to run busseervices outside their areas, are obliged to pay toethe road authority ofjhe outside areas eves which their buses run an. adaption charge" at the rate of 4i750 .a mil& as well as an annual "maintenance contribution charge of from three farthings to one penny per mile. The -committee was of the opinion that the question of motor cenniboses must be regardedby county councils5from two aspects. Firstly, from the point of view of the road authority, Which has already been touched upon and secondly, the general benefit to the inhabitants of the county in "theipessession of convenient transport facilities.
As the Ministry of Transport is coneidering it general policy for the development-of transport facilities by road, the committee suspended judgment on the question of the seeking of Parka 020 mentary powers by the county council to run motorbuses pending further information as to the policy of the Ministry. The committee had in no sense discarded the possibility, and it considered it should be examined and reported upon immediately further information is available from the Ministry. The county surveyor had been instructed to submit suggestions as to which routes in the county would be suitable or running additional omnibuses upon.
Beware ! Keep Off the Kerb.
At a recent meeting of the Hull Corporation Works Committee, the City Engineer reported that he was receiving daily reports of damage to flagstones through motor vehicles mounting the kerb either to turn or to pass other traffic, and that he had asked the Chief Constable to prosecute in every case in which he could obtain evidence, whether damage was done or not. This request was confirmed by the committee. It was stated that gross carelessness was pre valeta, .especially amongst Government transport drivers and straitge drivers from the West Riding.
Greater London Municipal Bus Scheme.
There is a proposal to promote a Bill in Parliament for the formation of a joint committee for Essex Middlesex, sand Hertfordshire, and perhaps London, as to the running of motor omnibuses ,within these counties.
The Mud-splashing Nuisance.
TheoUrban District Councils Associes tion is drawing the attention of the Ministry of Transport to the serious nuisance of mud splashing by motor vehicles, with a request that the Midistry will take some steps to reduce the inconvenience.
Bridging the Fords.
At a cost of £15.000 the Hertfordshire County Council has prepared a comprehensive scheme for bridging the fonds. Hertfordshire is famed for its fords and„watersplashes, but under this scheme 52 will be bridged, and the highways rendered safer, if terhaps less picturesque.
Local Proceedings.
WalthamStow U.D.C. Health Committee is Making inquiries regarding a motor ambulance for the general use of the public.
Bolton Corporation Cleansing Committee has been, to Manchester to witness a demonstration of the Lacre motor roadsweeping machines.
Birmingham Corporation is purchasing a tractor plough cultivator and roller at a cost of £550 to lend to the tenanta on the small holdings.
Birmingham Corporation proposes to purchase a motor wagon at a cost of 21,250 for haulage purposes for the Small Holdings Committee.
The Ministry of Health has arranged to hold an inquiry into the application of the Edmonton U.D.C. for a loan of £17,000 for the purchase of electric vehicles.
Ilferd Council is seeking permission to borrow 28,050 to cover the cost of six Orwell electric motors, which are being purchased fer the collection of house refuse.
To enable the weights and measures inspectors to make surprise visits to the remote villages, the Hertfordshire County Conned proposes te provide them with motorcars.
A Bolton Corporation sub-committee has considered tenders for the supply of two motor tipping vehicles, but. adjourned the matter so that the borough engineer can obtain further information.
As there is great difficulty in getting new vehicles from any makers, the Metropolitan Asylums Board is purchasing for its ambulance department four chassis at a total cost of 22,100 from the Government.
Walthamstow Council's Tramways Committee has considered a report of tile tramways engineer with regard to replarsing the existing tower wagon by either a petrol or 11.% electrically-propelled vehicle, and lets asked him to obtain competitive prices and mainten• anee costs of both types of vehicles.
Fire Engine Wanted.
The Gosport and Alverstoke U.D.C. invite tenders for the supply of a motor fire-engine with pump and first-aid appliances. The engine must be built to carry the council's 54-ft. fire escape. Tenders, together with detailed specifications, endorsed " Motor Fire Engine,"—should be sent to the Clerk to the Council not later than February 12th.
Loans for Motors.
The Ministry of Health is being asked to sanction loans as follows :— Newcastle-under-Lyme 'Town Council, £1,445 for motor fire-engine. • Margate Town Council, £720 for fireengine tender.
Newton Abbot Urban District Council, 21;700 for motor fire-engine. Llantrisanti Rural District Council, £1,217 for motor lorry and car.
Captain Stanley Kern,ball has joined the board of directors of the Oatlands Park Motor Co., Ltd., the well-known automobile engineers of York Road, Weybridge. Captain Kemball was a technical workshop officer in the R.A.F. during the war.