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Vol. XXX. No. 779, — 1 Petrolat a Famine Price. T HE VEIL of anonymity has been torn away and the "spirit message from...
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Mr. H. E. Olive, director and secretary of the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain), Ltd., took charge of the company...
The new type of motor omnibus with covered upper , deck adopted by the Liverpool Corporation, has an A.E.C. chassis, with a 45...
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Algerian trade, notwithstanding labour and transport difficulties, shows en couraging signs of development. The crop of the...
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It seems evident that propoeels will soon be made enabling highway authorities to have more control over traffic. A...
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Half-a-dozen New Productions Among 70 Exhibitors. A Five-former With Six Forward Speeds. A LTHOUGH THE NEW YORK SHOW-of...
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Conclusions Which Have Been Arrived At in the States Concerning the Employment of Pneumatics for Commercial Vehicle Work. E...
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By The Inspector. A T the close of my visit to the Glasgow Show, I could not help thinking that, for those who have been to...
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The Experience of a London Contractor Employing an Extensive Fleet of Petrol Vehicles. N EVERY . WALK of business and...
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The Vexed Question of Licences. A GREAT DEAL of confusion appears to exist in connection with the licences which must be...
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The Shell Co.'s Official Explanation. Following upon a number of rumours and much preparatory information concerning petrol...
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Ploughing Costs —Figures of the Royal Commission on Agriculture. As bearing out the facts and figures given by m.e last week,...
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A Review of the Many Interesting and Clever Points on a Captured German War-subsidy Chassis. 1 T HAS RECENTLY been our good...
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An Automatic Device for Maintaining the Water at the Temperatme Giving the Greatest Efficiency. T HANKS to a beneficent Gulf...
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The Effect of the Raising of Railway Rates Upon the Road Transport of the Country. I N ORDER to get some idea of the probable...
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How Demobilized Lorries Will Largely Neutralize Further Effects From the Moulders' Strike. Army Repairs Since the Armistice....
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Sir William Hoy on the Problem Which Confronts the Administration. I N THE ARTICLES on the transport problem in South Africa...
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With Special Reference to David Brown and Sons' New F.J. Type, and the Results of Recent Tests Conducted by the National...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be on one side of...
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TEN SHILLINGS is paid to the sender of any letter which we publish on this page, and an EXTRA FIVE SHILLINGS to the sender of...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patents. There are several specifications this week which are concerned with the construction...