Saving 50 per cent. on the Tyre Bill
Page 54

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BEFORE the retonditioning of tyres became recognized as a serious business, the rebuild, remould or retread—whichever designation happened to apply—was treated with con •sidemble. stispicion. This attitude was not unnatural, as -.results in service did not always-come up to expectations. 'In consequence, reconditioned Ayres; in general, -obtained a badnatrie,' and mien to-day; many operators need Gnu
• vincing. • .. •
A company 'which stands by. its work to the extent of --giving a virtual guarantee that a tyre that has been recon'. ditioned by its :process will give a mileage equivalent to . the new article, at 50 per cent, of the cost, is Tyres6les, Ltd., Palace of Engineering, ;Wembley.
There are several reasons Why it is able to do this. In the first place, the TyresoleS process differs from other Methods of -giving a tyre a neiv -lease of life, in that only'. the new tread strip is subjected to heat during-the curing,
. the walls, from the bead to' the shoulder, not being affected in any way, from the start to the .finish.
Another important point is that the old tread rubber is not removed, 'being' simply buffed unto form a " key " ' for the new tread strip. A further feature is that distortion is reduced • to a 'minimum by the • employment of a . number of flexible curing rings, each separately adjustable . . . • through the agency of 'a turnbuckle. .
It is as well for operators 'to know that Tyresoles, Ltd., will 'not accept casings which ate not -.practically -.perfect. The Whore business has betn founded upon the policy of. ' refuSing. to treat a.; tyre that Will not pass the company's Sti-ingent lests'for skiiiiidneSs. Tied up-with this is thefact
a20 that customers are always assured of getting their own original tyre back.
To sum up our impressions following a visit to the Tyresoles works, We are of -the opinion that tyre reconditinning, as practised by this company, is carried out on lines as sound and methodical as hr the 'making 'of new tyres, and, in consequence, the chances of an imperfect
jobgetting through are extremely remote: '